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25 Oct 2023, 6:31 am

Two days ago I went to a different city and on the way back could not find the bus stop. So went to a different bus stop. It just said "bus stop". Not which bus or what schedule. Had to phone the number to find out which bus it was. The bus was only scheduled once an hour. I asked the dude that answered the phone how I know which bus stop it is and he said it's on the south side of the street. Asked him how I know which side is the south side and he said download an app on your phone.

I don't think it is justified that riding the bus requires a phone call and an app.

The public transportation is too inconvenient

People that are blind, deaf, don't speak English, don't have phones, and et cetera must have a unnecessarily hard time taking the bus

What are the weaknesses of public transportation in your area?

What are some examples of simple things that people do, that cannot be done without a phone, car, credit card, but should be to be done without them?


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25 Oct 2023, 8:42 am

Bus stops are hit & miss in my area.

Some bus stops have a shelter and a digital display for the times of incoming buses, other bus stops are literally just a metal pole with a sign that signifies that it is a bus stop.

Public transport is notoriously difficult for blind, deaf or disabled people, though buses generally do make efforts to accommodate disabled persons, it is usually not enough help and giving more help would be cost ineffective and impractical from a business standpoint.


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25 Oct 2023, 8:36 pm

My local bus system has actually improved in recent years. There is still only one bus every 45 minutes, but they're usually on time and the new route takes me right to where I work without having to transfer.

In the early 2000s, there was no bus service whatsoever on Sundays and every job I had required me to work on that day. Taxis were expensive, so if I couldn't arrange a ride, I couldn't get to work. At one point, my girlfriend's father would take me to work on Sundays, but only if I would go to church with them first. (I'm an Atheist.) Thankfully, the bus eventually added Sunday service.

One of the biggest issues for me was that the scheduled times were inexplicably 10 - 15 minutes earlier on weekends. I.e., if the weekday bus was scheduled at 12:15, on the weekend schedule, it was 12:05. So I had to keep saying to myself over and over, "Don't forget, it's Saturday! Don't forget to leave 10 minutes earlier or you'll miss the bus!" Thank goodness the recent changes fixed that too, so now the weekend times are the same, though the busses still stop running earlier on those days.

Most of the bus drivers are very nice. However, there was one driver who got mad at me for mentioning that the busses sometimes miss their transfers. He asked me if I wanted to transfer and I said that I didn't trust other bus. He got offended and said, "What do you mean you don't trust them?!" I explained that many times, after I had gotten off the bus to catch the transfer, I found out they had gone by early and I was stuck waiting until the next one. This happened so many times, I decided it was more reliable to get off at a different stop and walk to work. "Maybe the bus wasn't early," said the driver bitterly. "Maybe it was YOU that was late!" This made no sense, because if I was late to catch the transfer, it would only be because the bus he was driving was late in getting me there.

One day I saw the other route going by and that guy was the driver, so I guess that's why he was so defensive.

Years later, they changed the bus system, which as I said, was a good thing. However, it took the city several months to set up the signs where the new stops are. The bus stopped in front of a Starbucks every day for 6 months and other people got on and off, so I assumed this was the new stop. Until one day, the driver angrily told me that the real stop was a couple blocks further down the street. So I started using that stop instead, but the bus kept stopping at Starbucks, too. One day, I was running late and could see the bus had already passed the other stop. I stood in front of Starbucks to see if they'd stop there and of course, it was that one driver and he lectured me about how it wasn't a stop...even though he himself stopped there...more than once. I realized this was the same guy from the bus transfer thing. Thankfully, I haven't seen him in a while. Then another day, I got a different driver who wondered why I kept walking all the way to the other stop when I could just use the stop at Starbucks. He insisted up and down that it was a real stop! I called the bus service and the angry guy was actually right, it wasn't an official stop, but he was so mean about it.


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26 Oct 2023, 5:02 am

vividgroovy wrote:
My local bus system has actually improved in recent years. There is still only one bus every 45 minutes, but they're usually on time and the new route takes me right to where I work without having to transfer.

In the early 2000s, there was no bus service whatsoever on Sundays and every job I had required me to work on that day. Taxis were expensive, so if I couldn't arrange a ride, I couldn't get to work. At one point, my girlfriend's father would take me to work on Sundays, but only if I would go to church with them first. (I'm an Atheist.) Thankfully, the bus eventually added Sunday service.

One of the biggest issues for me was that the scheduled times were inexplicably 10 - 15 minutes earlier on weekends. I.e., if the weekday bus was scheduled at 12:15, on the weekend schedule, it was 12:05. So I had to keep saying to myself over and over, "Don't forget, it's Saturday! Don't forget to leave 10 minutes earlier or you'll miss the bus!" Thank goodness the recent changes fixed that too, so now the weekend times are the same, though the busses still stop running earlier on those days.

Most of the bus drivers are very nice. However, there was one driver who got mad at me for mentioning that the busses sometimes miss their transfers. He asked me if I wanted to transfer and I said that I didn't trust other bus. He got offended and said, "What do you mean you don't trust them?!" I explained that many times, after I had gotten off the bus to catch the transfer, I found out they had gone by early and I was stuck waiting until the next one. This happened so many times, I decided it was more reliable to get off at a different stop and walk to work. "Maybe the bus wasn't early," said the driver bitterly. "Maybe it was YOU that was late!" This made no sense, because if I was late to catch the transfer, it would only be because the bus he was driving was late in getting me there.

One day I saw the other route going by and that guy was the driver, so I guess that's why he was so defensive.

Years later, they changed the bus system, which as I said, was a good thing. However, it took the city several months to set up the signs where the new stops are. The bus stopped in front of a Starbucks every day for 6 months and other people got on and off, so I assumed this was the new stop. Until one day, the driver angrily told me that the real stop was a couple blocks further down the street. So I started using that stop instead, but the bus kept stopping at Starbucks, too. One day, I was running late and could see the bus had already passed the other stop. I stood in front of Starbucks to see if they'd stop there and of course, it was that one driver and he lectured me about how it wasn't a stop...even though he himself stopped there...more than once. I realized this was the same guy from the bus transfer thing. Thankfully, I haven't seen him in a while. Then another day, I got a different driver who wondered why I kept walking all the way to the other stop when I could just use the stop at Starbucks. He insisted up and down that it was a real stop! I called the bus service and the angry guy was actually right, it wasn't an official stop, but he was so mean about it.

Bus drivers tend to be very grumpy in my experience. So it doesn't surprise me that you had an angry, bitter driver.

A lot of bus drivers lack in customer service skills, despite having a public facing job.


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26 Oct 2023, 5:26 am

Unfortunately, in my area, the bus stop signs are old and outdated. Most of the signs say bus stop and have a list of buses. These lists haven't been correct for a while. None of the listed buses actually even enter the area anymore. I think they used to more than five years ago.

Some signs are so worn down that you actually can't tell what the writing says anymore. There are bus stops that aren't even bus stops these days because all the services going that direction got cancelled, so now it's just a shelter.

We tend to warn people whom are new to the area that the bus stop information is useless. Check your sources online before travelling because your bus stop might not even be a bus stop anymore.

However, if you don't mind walking over to the next town, then they have up to date digital screens for their services. Sometimes I do that because it's easier. :lol:

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26 Oct 2023, 5:30 am

Lost_dragon wrote:
Unfortunately, in my area, the bus stop signs are old and outdated. Most of the signs say bus stop and have a list of buses. These lists haven't been correct for a while. None of the listed buses actually even enter the area anymore. I think they used to more than five years ago.

Some signs are so worn down that you actually can't tell what the writing says anymore. There are bus stops that aren't even bus stops these days because all the services going that direction got cancelled, so now it's just a shelter.

We tend to warn people whom are new to the area that the bus stop information is useless. Check your sources online before travelling because your bus stop might not even be a bus stop anymore.

However, if you don't mind walking over to the next town, then they have up to date digital screens for their services. Sometimes I do that because it's easier. :lol:

I don't blame you for seeking out the digital screens, even if it means walking over to the next town.

The lack of funding for a lot of public services is just disgraceful.


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26 Oct 2023, 6:03 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
Lost_dragon wrote:
Unfortunately, in my area, the bus stop signs are old and outdated. Most of the signs say bus stop and have a list of buses. These lists haven't been correct for a while. None of the listed buses actually even enter the area anymore. I think they used to more than five years ago.

Some signs are so worn down that you actually can't tell what the writing says anymore. There are bus stops that aren't even bus stops these days because all the services going that direction got cancelled, so now it's just a shelter.

We tend to warn people whom are new to the area that the bus stop information is useless. Check your sources online before travelling because your bus stop might not even be a bus stop anymore.

However, if you don't mind walking over to the next town, then they have up to date digital screens for their services. Sometimes I do that because it's easier. :lol:

I don't blame you for seeking out the digital screens, even if it means walking over to the next town.

The lack of funding for a lot of public services is just disgraceful.

We had outdated schedules on our bus stops for a while, too. Now, there are no schedules on the signposts.

I had a couple funny incidents with digital signs while taking the train to Disneyland. After I board the train, I'm always afraid I've gotten on the wrong one. I look for the onboard digital sign that says "Entoute to San Diego," which means I'm going South. One time, the sign read, "Enroute to Santa Maria," which is impossible, because there is no train station in Santa Maria. Luckily, I was on the correct train anyway.

Another time, when returning from the Anaheim station, all of their multiple digital signs were broken, either blank or showing the wrong time. Thank goodness for the app that told me my train was late and when it was coming. Though those signs normally work fine.

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27 Oct 2023, 7:51 am

blitzkrieg wrote:

Bus drivers tend to be very grumpy in my experience. So it doesn't surprise me that you had an angry, bitter driver.

A lot of bus drivers lack in customer service skills, despite having a public facing job.

That's right! If you can't work with the public, change your job. Or adapt.


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27 Oct 2023, 6:58 pm

edlexNeo wrote:
blitzkrieg wrote:

Bus drivers tend to be very grumpy in my experience. So it doesn't surprise me that you had an angry, bitter driver.

A lot of bus drivers lack in customer service skills, despite having a public facing job.

That's right! If you can't work with the public, change your job. Or adapt.

I'm fortunate that most of the ones I deal with are nice now.

When I was in my 20s, there were more mean ones. Also, I think people were just meaner to me in general, on the incorrect assumption that I was "giving them attitude" based solely on my age.

They would get upset about you, for example, not having your dollar out and ready at the moment they pulled up. I understand why they want you to be ready, but can you imagine a McDonald's employee lecturing the customer for not having their money ready at the counter? These drivers would treat you like they were the boss and *you* were the employee. I think this may partly have to do with that most people around here only take the bus because they're too poor to afford a car, or because they're disabled and can't drive a car. So I think, to some people, that makes bus passengers second-class citizens, rather than customers who deserve good service.

There was one other guy I didn't like to have as a driver, whom I also haven't seen in a while. There used to be one bus stop where all of the drivers stopped several feet away from the sign. So I would wait where they all actually stopped. Except for this one guy. He would stop at the sign and was upset that I wasn't right there waiting for him. I explained to him that he was the only driver who stopped there and it made more sense for me to wait where the bus was most likely to stop. He would just insist the official stop was at the sign. The same guy also always had the idea that my leg was sticking out into the aisle (maybe it was by like, an inch? I have long legs) and would tell me to pull it in.