I am thinking about getting cats.

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31 Dec 2023, 2:47 am

Idk initially we were maybe thinking of tying to more unique cats, but apparently even in 2023 people have weird superstitions about black cats. So now I feel like if I get cats I should get two black cats if it really is hard to home such cats

I just don't understand why people who want cats turn down the idea of a black cat, LIke idk black cats can be a bit territorial and such but they are also very snuggly sometimes. My black cat I had growing up always woud sleep at the foot of my bed and comforted me if I had bad dreams.
But I guess some people still think black cats are bad luck, enough to where shelters struggle to re-home black cats so as a person wanting to adopt cats I had thought of getting like an orange cat cause my boyfriend likes orange cats, but with knowing they have a hard time rehoming black cats I guess I would feel obligated to get a black cat..idk we cuold get an orange cat and a black cat and then they would be halloween color cats. But yeah I just didn't know in 2023 people would still have outdated views about a cats fur color.

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31 Dec 2023, 2:55 am

I love black cats, especially the ones with the beautiful pea green eyes.

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31 Dec 2023, 4:16 am

Always nice to adopt the ones that tend to get looked over!

As an animal lover, I would be remiss if I didn't offer a suggestion. Which is.... if you haven't in the past, definitely take some time to learn some basic facts about cats and their needs, body language, etc. A lot of people think you just feed them and scoop the litter and that's all you need to do, but that's not the case. They need attention and one or two short playtime sessions daily. Litterbox should be scooped twice a day, and changed out every couple weeks.

Cats also have a medical need to scratch their claws, so be sure to offer something for that. My cats enjoy perforated cardboard, other cats may like carpet material.

All that said, definitely less effort than dogs. :)

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31 Dec 2023, 4:24 am

Cats are great, especially since I have so little time at my disposal that I can’t walk my dog

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31 Dec 2023, 12:47 pm

Black cats are great, people who really think they are bad luck are ignorant and weak of mind.

It's like, changing the number of the 13th floor to tall buildings to 14. but it's still really the 13th floor. And in some cultures other numbers are seen as bad luck, like the number 4, but to us it's just a number.


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31 Dec 2023, 4:12 pm

In England, black cats are good luck.

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31 Dec 2023, 7:33 pm

The only reason I can understand color mattering when adopting a pet is being worried about not seeing your cat in the dark & accidentally stepping on them. I've had somewhat limited experience with cats but my girlfriend & lots of her family had various cats most all their lives & we've all noticed that cats tend to get under foot a lot so being worried about not seeing a black cat in the dark seems to me like a realistic concern. However I do not think many people consider that when deciding to not get a black cat. My gf & her family has mostly gotten cats for free from from various people they knew who were giving them away. The majority of those cats have been black & bit of them have been rehomed a few times before Cass or her family adopted them. The cats do tend to have a bit of issues but their background that we've heard about is that the cats were not treated well. IDK if this is a case of black cats breeding a lot more than other colored cats so people who don't really care about their pets have an easier time getting black ones, or if people tend to simply not care about black cats as much due to their color & mistreat them more as a result, or if the black cats tend to inherently have certain characteristics that people tend to have a harder time dealing with :shrug: Either way it's very sad & lots of people need to to take adopting pets a lot more seriously

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31 Dec 2023, 7:56 pm

Color doesn't really matter, although I've heard that it can be hard adopting a black cat at certain points of the year, due to concerns about people mistreating them.

That being said, the actual breed can make a bit of difference in terms of what you actually get. Different breeds can have different health conditions and needs.

It's also worth considering getting an adult cat, they usually have a much harder time getting adopted. It is also a bit less of a commitment, which could be a positive if you haven't had cats before.


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01 Jan 2024, 1:17 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Idk initially we were maybe thinking of tying to more unique cats, but apparently even in 2023 people have weird superstitions about black cats. So now I feel like if I get cats I should get two black cats if it really is hard to home such cats

I just don't understand why people who want cats turn down the idea of a black cat, LIke idk black cats can be a bit territorial and such but they are also very snuggly sometimes. My black cat I had growing up always woud sleep at the foot of my bed and comforted me if I had bad dreams.
But I guess some people still think black cats are bad luck, enough to where shelters struggle to re-home black cats so as a person wanting to adopt cats I had thought of getting like an orange cat cause my boyfriend likes orange cats, but with knowing they have a hard time rehoming black cats I guess I would feel obligated to get a black cat..idk we cuold get an orange cat and a black cat and then they would be halloween color cats. But yeah I just didn't know in 2023 people would still have outdated views about a cats fur color.

I am with you about that dumb superstition folks still have.
If you go to a shelter do consider adopting a black cat.

Wish you lived near my friend in the Florida panhandle who has black kittens she is trying give away.


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01 Jan 2024, 2:34 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
In England, black cats are good luck.

They used to be considered good luck in England at one point. However, public perception has since shifted. Likely due to American media.

I used to volunteer at a cat shelter and we always had more black cats. Most black cats have a streak of silver in their fur in the undercoat. In medieval times this was considered a sign of purity and possible redemption from their ways of witchcraft. That the cat was worth saving. This selective process has had a notable impact.

Unfortunately people do target black cats on Halloween. Which is why it's advised to keep them indoors around that time of year.

Personally, I have a calico cat. She's an old lady now.

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02 Jan 2024, 12:11 pm

Black cats are known as being extremely calm and affectionate.
Orange cats which are nearly always male, are known for being playful.

You can google either colour to find the anecdotal evidence.

I have three female cats: one solid black, and two Torties (gold and black).
Torties are known for being a little psycho, so you might not want to go there lol.
My solid black one is lovely, loyal, and well behaved.

My orange boy is at the teenaged stage so he's crazy.
He runs up the wrong side of the stairs (wrong side of the railing).
He holds onto the outside of the top stair and dangles 12 feet above the floor.
He leaps like a gymnast between all high surfaces - toes pointed and everything.
His new thing is sitting atop the fridge like a rainforest snake, surveilling below.

I also have a 20 year old cat who is a grey / black longhaired tabby of some sort.

Anyway, my advice is to get two if you can.
Kittens should never be raised on their own.
They get something called "Lone Kitten Syndrome".
Try to get two who are bonded, either same litter or shelter.

If you get two, why not a black and an orange?
I have three black and an orange - and it's very Halloweeny.

Hit me up with any cat questions as I've got so many I've dealt with everything.

One word of caution is that males are a lot cheaper to get fixed.
My females were close to $900 / each for their spays.

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02 Jan 2024, 12:21 pm


Here are my two youngest - the orange male and a Tortie girl.
They're both about 8.5 months now.
They're not siblings but I got them three days apart.

Another word of warning -
If you get a male and female kitten, you'll have to keep them apart until they're fixed.
He tried to mate her from the time he was two months old.
It was super frustrating because the vet wouldn't fix them until six months.

Now they're the best of friends, though.

She's way bigger than him as he seems to have stopped growing.
He's teeny tiny.
Maybe it's all the gymnastics.

I forgot to say, the orange one even sits on top of open doors.
He gets on from the stairs and balances while the door moves.


Oh, another word of wisdom (sorry for TMI) -
Get vet insurance if you possibly can.
It covers accidents and injuries.
Mine has saved me a couple of grand already.

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02 Jan 2024, 12:44 pm

I love all cats and black cats are my favorites.

I used to have a black cat named Friday after Friday the 13th. The unluckiest day of the year, not the endless franchise of slasher movies featuring a hockey mask-wearing psycho killer named Jason who hunts horny pothead teenagers in the woods. :P

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02 Jan 2024, 2:15 pm

Growing up we had a neighbor family with a black cat with a lot of personality with some Siamese blood which gave him a deep baritone voice which he used a lot. Mom said "I swear I once heard him say 'Nguyen Cao Key'" (the name of the president of South Vietnam at the time).

I would feed him and hang with him when his family left for vacation. He would even come to our door to summon me over to his home to feed him. And he became one of my favorite friends of the non-human persuasion ever.


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02 Jan 2024, 3:04 pm

Just make sure you have the budget for all their shots and care and vet visits and food etc etc and it's not going to be an excessive burden on your budget. I see a lot of posts from people seeking free vet care/funding for stuff like that, and others giving up cats they can't afford to pay for those things for. (although a LOT of the cats/dogs being re-homed is because people get evicted a l l t h e t i m e so that landlords can raise rent and they can't find a place that will accept pets at all so they have to give them up.)

Just some things to take into consideration if you haven't yet. Sucks to be excited about a new pet and then *poof* can't keep it.

I don't think I'd ever have a cat (allergic) but IF I did I'd almost certainly have a free one. Plenty of regular cross breed alley cat type cats that are well behaved and pretty smart and all that - don't need to be a fancy show breed with weird health problems that costs $2000+ to be a pet/mouse hunter.

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02 Jan 2024, 3:10 pm

Very true. ^

They're expensive, even just for general vaccinations and a decent diet.
Three rounds of vaccines alone were about $800 each.

Don't forget they're a 20 year commitment, too.

I figure my two kittens will be my last ever since I'll be in my 70s when they die.
Knock wood.

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