Triangular_Trees wrote:
Some of the schools around here have a "buddy program" where students are trained to be "buddies" to other students, particularly new students, but also ones who have a hard time socially, usually they are matched with children in their own class but if necessary an older child will be paired with a younger child. You can ask the school about doing something similar - at the very least, the teacher could identifity a few friendly students in the first few weeks, and encourage them to socialize with him.
Also, check to see if BBBS does lunch buddies in your school.
I've mentioned elswehere about IEP's that involve a core group of students that will always be in the child's general classes - its too late to make sure his best friends from kindergarten are in his class this year though. however, it would be great if you could have him look over his class list and identify friends - then these students could be seated next to him.
In the future try to arrange it so he meets up with his new teacher a few times before the first day of school - often "problem" and "special" children are placed in classrooms before the last school year has ended. I know the first grade teachers were deciding on which of the problem children they wanted last April (it was so each was going to get one, and they all had their preference over which one, which thankfully were three different preferences).
It would also be good to work with your son to find out how he prefers to be redirected when he gets offtask so that the IEP doesn't end up by saying something like, "Johnny, put that pencil down and open your book" when he finds it utterly humiliating to have his name said in a redirection (as a couple aspies of pointed out they do elsewhere.) You might have to write down some examples and say, "Johnny, how would you feel if I said this when you weren't following directions. Do you think it would help you do what you are supposed to or would it make you angry?"
Re: this last comment. I don't think a grade 1 would have that much sophistication and would just get confused but it is a good thought anyway. It's better for the teacher to ignore unwanted behaviour and praise desired behaviour. Little Johnny would still be getting singled out and it would cause trouble.
Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!
Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.