ToughDiamond wrote:
DazyDaisy wrote:
Is thar an autistic trait? Because I always used to that, not in all situations, only in those that I was extremely puzzled and overwhelmed with. I than start analizing everything in an obsessive way until my brain eventually explode. The only thing that could calm me down is walking so fast until I get too exausted to think about anything.
I guess it's the same with me, i.e. if a problem seems dead easy to solve, I just solve it. But a lot of problems don't seem dead easy. They can seem confusing at first glance, or I might just notice there are potential pitfalls. I remember reading in a book years ago that the way to solve problems is to start by collecting together all relevent information, so that's what I started doing for any problem that didn't look easy. For a long time I thought that if I hadn't read that book, I wouldn't do that, but I hadn't been diagnosed then. So I don't know if it's purely an ASD thing or not. I think the analysis thing is very often a feature of ASD, "little professors" and all that, but not in every case. So I guess that means there must be something else going on apart from ASD that makes many of us analytical. Maybe it's just a common coping strategy with people who happen to have a flair for analysing, and then they get rather obsessional about it just like a non-analytical Aspie might get obessional about something else?
Thank you, really, for detailed explanation. Once I thought I'm "normal", just a little bit of an introvert. Well, an anxious introvert. Well, anxious introvert with PTSD. Actually CPTSD. Than I realized I'm the most probably autistic. Now I wonder how "normal" I am at least and if I also have obsessive compulsive disorder, ADHD and God knows what else
As for solving problems I find that challenging, but in personal relationships my minds are going crazy with overanalyzing. Otherwise, I think I would make a great detective/investigator with my analysing skills

Great that you are successfully utilizing what you red in that book. Some people may read it hundred times and yet forget it when they need it.
Well, yes. If it is an autistic trait in the end, actually sometimes it can turn into a skill. At least, that means that autism also comes with some gifts, too.
Someone wrote in their signature English is not their first language. Same here.