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16 Mar 2024, 9:06 pm

Today i played tag with a kid i know, and i ran on top a dog toy barefoot that cut my foot. I picked up the dog toy, moved it out of the way, and kept running.
I didn’t really notice the injury till probably 8 minutes later “oh hey there’s bl**d on the floor”.
Are delayed reactions to pain common in autistics or is it just a high pain tolerance?

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16 Mar 2024, 9:23 pm

This has happened to me a number of times, often when I'm focused on something else so I don't notice I've been injured. I don't know why it happens but if I had to guess, I would say it's that when we're very focused on one thing, our brains decide that an injury isn't important and ignore it.
When I eventually do realize I've been injured, it hurts just as much as you'd expect, so I think it's just my brain trying to focus on only one thing at a time.

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16 Mar 2024, 9:38 pm

Last year I broke my radius in my right arm. How? I was at work (I'm a cleaner/sanitiser) and I needed to get some tissues off a high shelf. So I got a chair and climbed on it to get those tissues. I heard a creaking underneath the chair and hurriedly stepped backwards into air. So I fell onto the ground arm first. I groaned a bit but then I got up and took those blasted tissues to the kitchen where they had none.

So then I continued my work which took another hour and a half. It involved spraying and wiping down desks and kids tables and chairs and emptying bins into a big trash bag.

I then drove home which wasn't easy. When I got home I had my dinner then told my housemate what happened at work. I realised that I couldn't straighten my arm at all and she suggested that I go to the ED. So I drove to the hospital with her with me (she can't drive) and went right to the ED. It was packed but I only had to wait 10 minutes to be seen after I spoke to the triage nurse. I had an x-ray which confirmed the break. The doctor couldn't believe that I had worked and driven with a broken arm. He then put a sling on me which I had to wear for a week. That was the worst thing because it was very hot and I sweated with that sling on. Then I had no choice but to drive home.

Then I had six weeks off work! 8)


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16 Mar 2024, 10:00 pm

It's common for me to not notice an injury until later or not realize something is problematic when other people would realize an issue was relevant. I needed emergency surgery once because I failed to notice something was as serious as it was. Most often though I go around with bruises that leave me wondering where the hell I got those things from. Lol. That kind of stuff often does not register with me. I'm also not sure if it's an autism thing or a me having a high pain tolerance thing. For what it's worth, it's not a just you thing.


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17 Mar 2024, 2:13 pm

Yes, sometimes you can get injured and the effects aren't so noticeable till later on. I wrenched my foot once, and was able to walk home without much trouble, but the following morning I could barely walk at all. I guess the inflammation took its time to build up.


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18 Mar 2024, 8:52 am

I am the opposite. Even a small injury is such a shock it makes me gasp or cry out.


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23 Mar 2024, 10:37 am

PineappleLobster wrote:
Are delayed reactions to pain common in autistics or is it just a high pain tolerance?

Could be either, both, or neither and it was just the nature of the injury. Sometimes we get cut and don't notice if it's quick and very sharp - that can happen to anyone.. then it's a while later that maybe someone notices blood or pain due to swelling.

Same for other eve more serious cuts or injuries like gunshot wounds. Sometimes people don't notice they've been shot due to adrenaline/shock etc and it's only later that they, or someone else, realize it. Same goes for other traumatic injuries link broken bones etc.. people can be in a major car accident and their leg is shattered but they're up and walking because they're numb and don't feel it.

Then there are other injuries that simply take time to even really present themselves. I was recently in a car accident that totalled my car. Minor injuries overall, but some pains/strains I was told wouldn't be evident right away.. that it takes sometimes 2-3 weeks for swelling to subside before you notice other injuries. Just the nature of injuries.

So, Could be ASD related high pain tolerance or something.. but could just simply be the nature of the injury and the way things go.

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23 Mar 2024, 11:02 am

Hmmm.. gotta , put in my opinion here too , Actually am thinking the pain issue is related to Autism. And is not a good thing . Serious stuff can come from this lack proprioception . And the other instances written above by Goldfish are genuinely relative, " shock" can cause one to miss , personal injury too I think :skull: But with Aspies , i think this piece of wiring in the brain can be exaggerated . Or might have a extra abundance of wiring to , whatever causes those unexpected times when injury gets overlooked . :|
Other times have had papercuts that were such a nusciance and irritated my skin to the point of immediate sterilization and a BandAide..... :skull:
Otherside of the coin ..Probably shock! but have had. accidents , where I could not understand why my Arm did not function as a useable limb. When both ulner and radialus bones where broken in the forearm.Causing it not to respond.
Not seeing the bone sticking out of the side of it . As I lay there. I realized , i could not take for granted that my body would work correctly .. Shortly raised my head up and saw my tibula and fibula , (my lower leg shin bone).Was all cattywhampus, stucking out a funny angles .. Nothing to do but wait for a ambulance .So thank you body for those protective emergency abilities . 5 hours later had to remind the ER people , that shock wears off too :skull: .. And something would be needed for pain . :roll: :ninja:

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23 Mar 2024, 12:03 pm

I dunno but I burn myself quite a lot when I'm cooking and I don't notice it until later on when it starts stinging and I have cut myself on box knives when I've been busy doing stuff and I've not felt that either until later on.

I just thought it was something to do with the actual injury rather than anything else because if I knock myself on something I do usually feel it straight away.

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23 Mar 2024, 12:09 pm

Jakki wrote:
Hmmm.. gotta , put in my opinion here too , Actually am thinking the pain issue is related to Autism. And is not a good thing . Serious stuff can come from this lack proprioception . And the other instances written above by Goldfish are genuinely relative, " shock" can cause one to miss , personal injury too I think :skull: But with Aspies , i think this piece of wiring in the brain can be exaggerated . Or might have a extra abundance of wiring to , whatever causes those unexpected times when injury gets overlooked . :|
Other times have had papercuts that were such a nusciance and irritated my skin to the point of immediate sterilization and a BandAide..... :skull:
Otherside of the coin ..Probably shock! but have had. accidents , where I could not understand why my Arm did not function as a useable limb. When both ulner and radialus bones where broken in the forearm.Causing it not to respond.
Not seeing the bone sticking out of the side of it . As I lay there. I realized , i could not take for granted that my body would work correctly .. Shortly raised my head up and saw my tibula and fibula , (my lower leg shin bone).Was all cattywhampus, stucking out a funny angles .. Nothing to do but wait for a ambulance .So thank you body for those protective emergency abilities . 5 hours later had to remind the ER people , that shock wears off too :skull: .. And something would be needed for pain . :roll: :ninja:

Oh yeah I was in a serious cycling accident a few years ago but I just jumped straight on my bike and carried on to work. I got to work and literally collapsed. Was covered head to toe in bruises and couldn't walk. I think the adrenaline must have kicked in at the time of the accident and wore off when I got in the office. My colleague gave me a load of diazipam and my other colleague drove me home. I was out of action for about a week. Had concussion. In fact I wasn't right for about 6 months. I didn't go to the hospital so it's a good thing there wasn't anything internal to worry about.

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23 Mar 2024, 1:34 pm

PineappleLobster wrote:
Today i played tag with a kid i know, and i ran on top a dog toy barefoot that cut my foot. I picked up the dog toy, moved it out of the way, and kept running.
I didn’t really notice the injury till probably 8 minutes later “oh hey there’s bl**d on the floor”.
Are delayed reactions to pain common in autistics or is it just a high pain tolerance?

Oh I have a VERY high pain tolerance. One time I was bullied, and some guy stuck a burning cigarette into my arm. I just said BIG DEAL! He took me up on a implied dare and did it SO much that I had like a blister on my arm that was quite obvious, and several inches across both ways. I went on with my school day like this. I forget what I said when teachers asked, but I never told about who did what. Surprisingly, it healed 100%, with no scar! I felt that, but it was almost like a tiny weight on my shirt, even though I had no shirt there, and a huge blister.
the DSM at the time
BTW an inch is almost 3cm, in case you don't know about inches. And this blister was perhaps 3 inches BOTH WAYS. They liked burning my arm, and I never so much as FLINCHED.

I HAVE had similar things to what you spoke about, and never felt the cut, bled, looked for the wound, and found it. I don't know if it is autism related, but it could be. But I am weird ANYWAY. I often say I am introverted, but that is to the extreme. I care about people, have friends, and am faithful, but STILL, it is extreme. I am so well spoken, careful with my words, and do all the normal tasks, etc... that even today people don't think I am autistic but, when I was a kid, I was certainly not autistic by DSM at the time. My habits, and interests were noticed by everyone though, and people, like my mother, kept asking me to look at them, etc.... 8/