Greetings, My name is Justin Miller, Born January 1st 1995, I was in the Marshall News Messenger archived online, for the New Year's Baby, above me was an famous article, "Gingrich angry with CBS report" calling the Clinton's "Counterculture Mcgovernicks" There was even, a famous Gridiron Dinner Skit, called Hillary Gump
I'm very enthusiastic, about getting a job through vocational work placement, I come from an extremely difficult background, I don't want to go into details because I'm pretty ashamed and it's caused a lot of stress that I've moved on from and continue to recover from,
For so many years I've been searching for a Proper group home environment, after being homeless for 2 years and in the shelter, I finally found a Autistic boarding home, that I'm going to be able to have a sustainable functional level living in,
I'm very excited after employment, to be a part of the Clinton foundation, it's such an interesting piece of history that I'm a part of, it's a very rare and unique Honor.
I very much enjoy my place as the Community Autistic, I have found my place in The Community and the contentment that comes with that.
Thank You, Everyone.
Sincerely Justin Miller.