"destroyed" or partially destroyed
utterly absurd
coronavirus did not affect my "life" in any significant way. not only that, but october 2020, i started working @ home depot and three and a half years later, still working there. that's, by far, the longest time i have held a job. (the second longest, age 18, cashier, five months.) right now, 41. i did not get coronavirus.
i have been exhausted all the time, since around age 12 or so. do not have a diagnosis for chronic fatigue syndrome or anything like that. does not mean that i do not have that condition.
things that partially destroyed my "life" thus far:
autism symptoms, not getting diagnosed until 21, parents, teachers, strangers, whoever's making fun of my autism symptoms, blaming me for autism symptoms
20 years ago, san diego was so homophobic, while i presented as male (hair and clothes) and i am female
academic dismissal, ucsd, structural engineering
getting made redundant from three minimum wage jobs on the third days ("not a good match" does not tell me what i did wrong.)
clinical depression/anxiety
parents insisting that i just "had" to be a child prodigy