Ever since I got a credit card, I been avoiding getting into debt, now I owe over $2,000 to the group home for my rent. The SSI going give me more money & I'm getting more money cuz my mom social security, I don't understand, there ALOT of paperwork, the SSI needed a copy of my birth certificate. I could had paid all of the rent money, my dad's new wife, she has money, she supporting her parents, her sister & dad, he helped her parents BIG TIME, he still helping them. When I was in my last apartment, I needed rent money, my sister beg her for money, my stepmother DON'T LIKE sharing, she is so selfish, she didn't want to help me & my sister, my stepmother was crying & was so upset, she told my dad that we are adults & dad should not help us, I have a real life wick stepmother, since she is married to my dad, me & my sister are her family too, she has a step-grandson too, she don't care about me & my sister. I wish I could pay all my rent money with my credit card, but I would have to pay it back within a month