Since my granddad passed away in October, my nan now lives on her own and the family every week helps her out with shopping, doing the garden, and other chores. It still feels like yesterday but I find it hard that we are having to fill in the gap left by grandad. He was 84 but still seem to feel that it was too soon for him, I mean there other people living to their 90s now and he was quite an active person and was doing things until he passed on possibly from cancer.
I feel a bit annoyed right now because mum wants to borrow my car for an appointment that my sister's son has got when I needed it to get to a counselling session so I am now going to have to do another 50 minute walk to get there and don't feel like walking all over place as I wanted to drive to my Nan's as well but I feel bad because I feel like I'm making selfish excuses not to do something because I can't use the car and not considering other people.