Hiya, all. Well - I am still kind of here, but a lot of people on this board that I've found over the 12 years I've been here have left, but a few are still here. How is life for me ATM?
I am okay, not much has gone on. I am obsessed with working with computers, so that is what I have been doing. In my spare time, I find myself using AI text generators - I donno why, but they are lots of fun.
So - what else is new? Well, I may be visiting Japan next year - a little background - for the past 20 years, I've been on a personal mission I call "Japan or Jeopardy!"—either I finally get to visit Japan or get on Jeopardy! to fund the trip. It all started in 2005 when I missed out on a school trip to Japan and decided to give Jeopardy! a shot instead. Now, two decades later, I'm still determined to make one of those dreams happen!
Well, that's all for now from me, E2LA. See you soon!
The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of
Feel free to talk to me, if you wish.
Every day is a gift- cherish it!
"A true, true friend helps a friend in need."