rednait wrote:
Are there any exercises I should focus on to help my time? Has exercise been a healthy social outlet for anyone of our ilk?
I used to run quite a bit, and hope to again in the near future. I found it extremely beneficial mentally. Being physically fit just feels better. Everything gets easier.
A sub 24 was the fastest I
ever managed to do a 5k, so you're already well ahead of me if you're just starting out. You can do strides to improve your speed. That's when, on a training run, you put in these fast bursts of speed - as fast as you can possibly go - for a set distance or time, then drop back to your casual running speed to recover, then hit the gas again. Keep doing that. Gradually your normal running speed will increase.
The other thing I found surprisingly beneficial was core exercise. I got a planking app on my phone and did that for a month and I was so much stronger at the end of it. But maybe that was more consistent speed over medium/long distance, not so much faster over shorter distances. I was mainly interested in distance rather than speed.
HIIT training is good for Vo2 max I think. There's guided workouts on youtube.
Good work on the 5k
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