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Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Posts: 10,185

Today, 5:17 pm

Self righteous, self important precious lil "people" get on my f*****g nerves.

They act all "buddy buddy", but when they (correctly or wrongly) think I did or said something bad/wrong, they act so "holier than thou" like I invented the world's worst felony and they have never done anything wrong before in their lives and "the meaning of 'life' is 'helping people' "!.(mister redelings, 2006 san diego). (rolls eyes).

question: did i do it?
is it good/bad/correct/wrong?
if it is "bad/wrong", is it bad/wrong enough to justify their overreaction?

sometimes they think i did something, but i did not do it.
sometimes i did it, but it is not bad/wrong.
sometimes i did it, it is bad/wrong, but not nearly bad enough to justify their overreaction.

cross examination

self righteous lil dipshits

And I do not feel comfortable telling them what they did that I do not like. ("pick your battles" is good advice, but some ass holes pick *all* the battles. they just "have" to be right).

"why" this and "can you" that. those annoying lil dipshits are totally full of themselves.

that's one of many reasons why, for a long time, i have been avoiding all social interaction, even (and especially) @ work.

doctor jekyll and mister hyde