However, if the result is a "profile", it sounds like you would be paying someone to defined your sensory abilities more than aid you in mastering them.
Yes, and it is my problem that I don't know what to address.
I do avoid high volume input and I get the feeling that sorting types of input won't help, because I have an organised environment. Sorting input also might be focusing on one input, and I can focus, but I would rather not force focus, but try to avoid whatever makes it hard to focus, because distractions don't distract me, they make me tired, if that makes sense. However, at this point I'm not aware of why I feel overstimulated / extremely tired and like my mind of clogged with sensations that don't make any sense and stuck trying to get rid of them - sensations, arousal, feelings, memories, not information such as what to do, at which time, in which order, what to buy, what someone said, what I've read, what I engage in etc. It feels like I come into contact with things that cause that or do things in a way that causes the overwhelm and don't know how to do it differently.