I like most types and tastes of coffee.
Taste is the only true reason why I ever drink coffee and it's not because of the caffeine.
However, my body doesn't react well with it's caffeine and the amount of.
So I'll definitely take decaf; if only it has more variety and not so expensive...
I'm good with other sources like carbonated drinks.
The amount of caffeine in coca cola is just right for me. Not too much, not too little.
Tea as a source of caffeine is weird not just because of the flavors, but also how it's caffeine makes me react.
How smaller amount of caffeine made me react worse than having more is just weird.
Chocolate... I kept consuming them regardless of it's effects.
But it's effects on my gut is louder than any effect of caffeine involved.
With caffeine, my body can only take like a really narrow range around 30-45 mg.
No more, no less, no matter how sugar is involved.
And it's way easy for me to just quit caffeine.
All I get was a day long headache for a withdrawal symptom.
The craving itself is subtle, and my functioning levels are just as no different thus I don't relate to it's dependence of it's effects in long term.
Only true way I can depend on the higher amount effects of caffeine can be a hassle...
First, I have to be at least 2-4+ days but less than 20+ consecutive days long of taking hormonal birth control pills. Else, all I get is side effects and no benefits.
Second, it only had to be once per at least 5-7 days long cooldown. No consecutive days, no other caffeine in between those days.
Taking another dose of caffeine right after or in between will start to become unreliable. And becomes less reliable as I continue to take any amount of it rather quickly.
And taking caffeine on the second day after the first intake then stopping it will give me mild caffeine withdrawal symptoms instead of avoiding it altogether.