Is it a "norm" for youth to go partying, drinking etc?

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,194
Location: Kent, UK

Today, 10:30 am

I seem to will people become regretful if they didn't spend a portion of their lives having the odd parties and drinking, one night stands and so on. The thing is like to be social as much as the next person but I never found the club scene on a weekend interested me. I went to one once but spent the rest of the time outside because I didn't like the flashing lights. I also went on a pub crawl which became boring after a while because we just stood around a public park talking for ages. I really genuinely feel like I miss not having a larger social circle of people like the ones I see posted on social media. It leaves me with the impression that you are "missing out on life" or "wasting your life" by not having that social circle.