Only for open minded ... tmauritius
This new visa edition is so wonderful, it's even better than original visa over lockdown dedicated to South Africans, as protected species, wow. I wonder if they adopt aborigine to hide in their luggage, drop him off in Madagascar. Gee, maybe Ramapoza can adapt new ideology to ask whites in South Africa to contribute a little to world we live in.
But actually aside from mixed slave race of Mauritian is my interest today is about the Cape Malay coloured, and history of gangsters.
So Japan no longer respects Yakuza, they just sit and donate 1/10 to world charity and build better sky scrappers. Interesting is that local tribe has no representation or rights, despite their constant attempts to gain publicity for their cause. But this you can lookup yourself and so I just briefly look at history of no profit from Cape colony and transatlantic slaves. Despite use slavery and cruelty they never killed all natives and German behaviour in Namibia is a brutal genocide.
Under British rule, but actually Americans taken over, so should call them. So various slaves from Indian, Arabic brought to Cape, termed coloured. The gangs and orphans were noisy and so moved different district 6 but no sympathy given to alleviate problems.
Of interest is how much torture is required to subdue a slave, and how white people pitted various slave groups against each other to benefit from slaves sold on trade.
Was also that gay men reported that young street kids, namely boys were being rapped by some corrupt people, generally the ones with money. Issue is despite financial propserity do such individuals really contribute that much.
So all the while the new gang members growing up harder and distorted, sort of like pawns on a chessboard. Despite complaints of corruption in western cape none of this comes to light, the violent crime that has nothing to do with anc, where the guns come from, and crystal meth known as tik, and new drug zombie. Many whites left cape as it's such mess, rentals are high, badly run. The DA continurs to disguise issues of competence, such long waiting lists for schools, rental housing shortages and prices. The CBD has given up trying to fight crime.
It's nice to blame George Soros for not enforcing laws but honestly some men don't do army of police service, they leave civilians under conditions. Many old Afrikaans blamed Dutch government, blamed new Netherlands colony for uplifting Netherlands lifestyle until after WW2 when apartheid started. A lot of money that left was sent to nazzi and Swiss bank accounts.
For all those who don't buy sell into corrupt lives, we sit struggling and working hard. But mostly I wonder about where gangsters come from.
I have watched for long time, how Netherlands treated former Indonesian colony, by the end the blond wife had slaves trained very nicely, it's become evident that if you want jobs or money in modern day you now answer to Germany, then AI jobs fall out sky.
BRICS is tired, poor struggling and with Russia took honest stance against USA, like men or cowards.
Gangster business is now manipulated whereby all these gangs think/feel germany and Netherlands is boss.
The last time we saw Diane fly through desert then 9/11 and whole Arab country was blown up while white Supremes instigated/manipulated the whole thing.
We should kick them out, show them up, and ensure none of this had anything to do with BRICS.
Moral: if USA stopped empowering white leeches then this wouldn't have happened. Just incase the BRICS has enough problems we try to fix, don't need to still support these lazy whites.
BRICS has zilch to do with corrupt gangs, sex scandals, back stabbing money grabbing, sex blackmail,
The putting slave against slave, and exploiting poor people to make themselves rich.
Just so we know who has values Nd which are convenient hypocrites.
The refugees in Europe supposed to attack French and others but someone starving poor Arabs got tired of rich white slave drivers.
No wonder they cry report them, but they the cowards started all this, and don't align with our BRICS policies.
G-d has blessed our work, work given to poor and weary (irrelevant of race) for all child laws we try fight for, they are stolen and manipulated by greedy and corrupt. It's as if my seeds fall to barren ground, the one that sprouts is used up. How do we work and be creative when the evil sees what we have, takes it, corrupts it for their intents and purposes and casts us aside in thorns. Why, oh why can't they find purpose, are they hollow, empty do lack ability to create own ideals.
At least the ANC fights child sex offenders, western cape offers silent issue, and need proof to accuse, but in prevention I think children are not safe, don't know the people looking after your children, money is nothing in many cases. Should investigate
Crazy day, headlines accusing ramapoza over food, I've seen poor white kids buy cheapie chips, not sure why can't walk outside in South Africa and have a peaceful day.
I really love organic farms, but if black workers didn't work themselves into ground on Min wage then honestly the chicken coop is filthy, animals weren't fed etc. etc. If blacks don't clean soon the chickens will get sick.
Try to be nice but not just underage rape or peroxide, their hair is naturally yellow from ??? Their choice of survival mode, think for once of endorsing Nd giving a chance but heck some whites never went home so exhausted and fell asleep.
Then again some of their homes are so filthy since never clean, but we not asking for sex like what was happening in past, all asking is for you to do little work and then talk to staff nicely, treat people like human with consideration.
No one is acting as judgemental of your inventive brain, or measuring your IQ or making life horrible, so why do we always have to have these kind of neighbours???
Could always move out, go back to Indonesia colony, sit and listen to Japanese commentary on your blond intelligence in porn industry. Maybe it's suits madam better.
And I wouldn't eat chicken from usa, Grosse on those farms, hormones on cows can't walk.
I just want to have a peaceful day. ... Jm9Xc,st:0
Love this video, reminds me of quiet space, fighting the system each day zaps my energy.
Usually as humour doesn't appeal to me, but this video was really well done. ... tldA%3D%3D