EU Relations
Spoken to someone from Finland, part of peace talks and we've agreed to disagree, they don't align with BRICS policies. Pending a peaceful outcome however on basis that we plan to end world recession, working on economics plan for some time and that immigrants are going to return home to jobs and it's win win situation.
Russia was under severe trauma and stress from Chernobyl experience, and it's understandable considering nucleus damage. We applaud their efforts so far, not using nucleus and are pleased that certain peaceful efforts have being reached.
Russia has agreed to accept Romania onboard, this signals efforts to give them ivory Coast and surrounds for economic development, peace in middle east deal and maybe developments in India. This drives economic wheels, gives fair chance to all, and sooner we implement this then we can get on with our lives.
We pending discussions on EU and Ursula, we think Germany is monopoly that it's few rich who own business, which has smaller subsidies and no consideration for any one else. Germany cannot claim to pay half EU tax, whilst some countries have very little Nd are denied Schengen visa. With Bulgaria agreeing to join Romania alongside Hungrys Victor we can show that France has another 3 votes needed for reform, since Ireland may wish to be invited, too.
Let's keep peace talks, going.
Yeah...not seeing this.
Rather dubious about the rest of this post too.
Spectrum presents differently for people, some of politics were confusing and took me ages to learn about NT.
I've noted I'm generally not welcome due to autism, but at times when NT wants something then act like your friend but in end use you and walk off with nothing. This is how they operate, maybe someone can help explain to me what are social dynamics and if I have misconception.
They say autism gets worse with age and suppose it does. So may also be that all these years I finally decided to break silence, like Depeche mode, it's no good. Nope, Austria you being no good, you had WW2 debts and sadly it's your Habsburg crew and Netherlands that had no solutions. Shrek weekend gang of princesses who have gossip wars, well hate to shatter your delusional little world, but I wasn't witch, and Shrek had tango session with Dutch for many years, even at expense of Cape colony. So no I'm not too blame!! !
Shrek in tango effort, abandoned abolishment if slavery and got shallow blond girl, turned slave music into something else, stole ideas from Asia. So speak for myself, my princess wasn't way you depicted!!
Then we had 2 world wars about Germans of which you decided to ensure jack got stash, harp but betrayed our deal and let my historical rapist go free by unleashing my enemy neighbour, so down on loyalty points, jack!!
And back to Habsburg, and Austrians betrayed own people for lifestyle in Babylon with Delilah. We don't accept you, if you mix then go join their gene pool, don't like Angelina Jolie's marriage, tired of Hawaii where you friends with blond but if Delilah cared you'd not look Habsburg jaw..... Then Elon musk is too terrified the world see he can't stand on his own two, that you're a fake, have no ideas of own, can't really do anything, your lazy, greedy, selfish and we may consider taking EU jobs more, only few USA jobs, trying to cut the scavengers out so when we work and die in war, we don't leave everything to someone who cares less about suffering or cries of serf/slave. USA is your mess Depeche mode anyway,
Have you ever put own meaning on a song? Like the music video is actually different, but bullets scream from out of no where, own, ratatouille - we executed on the fence.
This is for everyone going through this, now ... Byb29zdGVy
Frances Macron,
Pardon my saying so but people always unhappy, from pension to farmers. I'm sure let's pen fits in with meloni, and all attend champagne parties to celebrate feminist milestones.
But in truth, have to realise you political pawn in right wing fascist scheme of money, I think new Microsoft investment of ai in Phillipines will just turn out like Japanese economy. Pardon my bluntness but investing in India, and reviving the BRICS has better place for some of us to keep our heads above the water.
The Cape is not doing so well, and whites don't have other options, their leadership has exhausted every dead end favour that upholds the priveledged life, and hence we never expect Finland or Sweden to come to the table, because dead-lock. Quite honestly surviving South Africa i