It will be great to see the focus on core subjects return. Until such time parents are wise to home school, if their finances permit. Contrary to claims made by the Gates Foundation, Math is not racist, Math is what you put into it. If it's not a priority, that isn't racist.
As it stands right now, kids who score a 30 out of a possible 100 cannot receive a score lower than a 69. What exactly does that communicate? The student flunked a little, but not a lot, and the little flunk is really a lie? I don't believe they even see a 69 as flunking anymore, but rather a D. So, the kid really flunks miserably, but the educational system can't reflect that honestly. How is that helping the student in the long run? It isn't.
Bring back the 5th grade Human Growth and Development classes provided by medical professionals at the local health departments. Just the facts... No 'feels'... Leave any elaboration to the parents.
Guidance counselors should offer resources, I include this because we had an experience where one was way out of bounds. Just as church and state should remain separate, so should education and family/social. If the child shows up with bruises, that's one thing. But don't tell them that you think they're gay (the counselor was also gay) just because they're having a bad day. This was our experience. Our granddaughter with the "guidance" (grooming?) of the school counselor, came out as "gay" in the 8th grade. We said nothing contrary, we supported her. After having a girlfriend for a year and moving onto high school, guess what? She wasn't gay. The school is there to educate, not indoctrinate. Give my children and grandchildren the ability to think, not think the way they think they should think.
The DOE has forgotten it's place, because there are so many absent and/or irresponsible parents we've made it easy for them. But, there was no DOE when the US began, there was no DOE for the First Nations People. Their children were doing great until we came along and ruined everything. And if your continent had/has an indigenous population, no matter how advanced you believe your thinking to be, don't fool yourselves. Those people were doing just fine until you came along too.
I'm very happy about the proposed plan to dismantle the Department Of Education.
Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I hate you, it just means we disagree.
Neurocognitive exam in May 2019, diagnosed with ASD, Asperger's type in June 2019.