chris1989 wrote:
I don't seem really hopeful about peace talks on Ukraine between the US and Russia. Our prime minister says we may have to consider sending in troops to keep the peace and other countries in Europe have said the same. I actually thought that with trump in power he would keep countries like Russia, China and others from doing anything they like and reconsider because he a no-nonsense guy unlike biden even though I'm not a trump fan. I try not to look at any news to do about it but it's hard sometimes to completely avoid it. I do get irritated when the talk of a world war kicks off and people making out as though Putin is another Hitler and that we are in some kind of pre 1939 world before the ww2 started.
Don’t worry it’s a red herring as they say.
The UK government said it can put troops in Ukraine only after peace. So they would act as peace keepers.
Russia said it’s against any NATO troops or even troops from NATO countries in Ukraine and threatened to nuke any he sees ( putins infamous quote in early 2022 that the world will see something it’s never seen before)
So it will not happen. It’s a way of looking important claiming you could do something you know you’ll never have to do.
The UK army is too small anyway Ukraine are losing about 500 soldiers a day for the last 3 years or about 6-700k (ignore propaganda figure of 10’s thousands)
So the UK army would be done in about a month.
Fortunately that’s not going to happen, I support peace it’s good for Ukraine and good for the world.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw