Participant626 wrote:
Goal: Collectively make a silly short story by only contributing one word at a time.
1) I will write the first word at the end of this post.
2) Next user will post the next word or punctuation in the story.
3) The next next user will post the following word/punctuation...until no one comments for 3 days.
4) After the 3 days of inactivity, that will be the end of the story, and I will write it out as a normal post.
- Don't contribute more than one word/punctuation at a time, so no responding twice in a row.
- The syntax has to make sense, though the content can be illogical. No: I cow hamper running teal. Yes: I landed on a red toothpick that had no heater.
- Shower before entering the pool.
- Rules are meant to be followed, not broken. If they were meant to be broken, then save energy and don't make them.
- Your post can be a word or a punctuation.
- Only post a word or punctuation, nothing else.
That's it! Here we go. The first word is:
I feel like an alien
A stranger, in an alien place.