High anxiety before shift gone once clocked in
Just wanted to see anyones else experience with this emotional state. The morning of I tend to have high anxiety over my shift. It's pretty routine and I only work 5.5 hours so I get some relief when I remind myself it's a fairly short shift. But again often I find the morning of there's a weird worry in my chest for some reason. I'm not sure why, again I understand that it's pretty routine. It gets a little worse about the last 10 minutes before I have to begin actually doing stuff (My workplace requires I am there 15 minutes before my work begins). I kind of turn on auto mode once the clock hits 11:30 and I have to start doing things and the anxiety kind of immediately dissipates. I'm not sure how else to explain this. It could also be a result of poor sleeping behavior on my part. I'm awful at managing a good sleeping schedule. Yesterday for the first time I slept "early" (12am) and woke up at 9am then slept in until 10 and got ready for work. Anyone else experience this and also have a bad sleep schedule? Did improving your sleep schedule help with this. I'm going to continue to attempt a decent sleep schedule and see if it helps.