Harmonie wrote:
My level of surprise is at 0%. If being lower than that was a possibility it would be so.
Trump himself is a sex predator. The kind of people who follow and worship Trump so dearly can not be trusted. One can't simply support a sex predator to the level that these people do... Something has to be wrong and it so often turns out to be the case. For those Trump worshipers who are in your lives... Stay far away from them, never be in a room alone with them. As I said - something is wrong.
That's not the only dynamic here that makes my level of surprise so low, though. The other dynamic is conservative Christianity. Find a sect of conservative Christianity, and chances are high that it has had investigations with evidence turned out of mass sex crimes, including toward children. Southern Baptism, Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. This is no coincidence. Conservative Christianity and its "values" (put in quotation marks because I spit at the very notion of them being values) are a perfect storm for predators and victims. These "values" teach subservience to authority figures (pastors/priests/etc., fathers, husbands and so on), do not teach consent, shame and blame victims, cover up predators (discourages going to the police, just sends the predators to another church), etc. It is utterly horrifying, and it is sadly no surprise that we keep on hearing about pastors being predators.
This is the culture that conservative Christianity wants to foist upon us. Reject it at all costs. Teach your children (and yourself if were unfortunately raised in one of these circles) about consent and how it applies in all situations. There are no authority figures who are free to violate consent, ever. Believe them, believe victims, don't fall for no "Jezebel spirit" BS narratives about victims - victims are NOT seducers! Absolutely disgusting I even have to say that.
The rules don't apply to the top brass of these denominations. Everybody else is supposed to follow the "no marriage, no sex, no exceptions" and "missionary only" rules strictly.
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!