Honestly I thought these "conversions" are not a thing anymore. It's waste of resources to make one into somebody who they aren't and will never be. Merely a torture, as said.
ChaosCascade wrote:
[...] and I sometimes join in on making jokes on LGBT stuff
It's IMO not bad*, the fact you belong to something doesn't mean you must have no distance towards it
*Assuming these jokes contain actual humor and not pure hate speech, of courseChaosCascade wrote:
I don't want to come out because I don't want to be seen as less of a man.
My question is, why would ye care?
"Being a man" anyway is very ambiguous and usually meant as a set of unreasonable, toxic "rules" and "values" (i.e. "real men" should be violent, "real men" don't cry, need no mental help... etc) which sometimes go as absurd as vegetable peelers being "for fa***ts" (Whatever that means) as "real men" peel with knife or beat their wives to do that.
Be yourself, being gay or whatever doesn't make you inferior/superior just as it's with autism.
... And normal is boring, by the way :>
[ 76622.002137] brain0: detached
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