im 22 going on 23 real age, but inside my emotional / psycological age im still 12 months old. For me acting like a baby is a form of escapisim from the preashures and stress of the real world, and it helps me fight my depreshion. I am whats known as an Adult Baby, i have been for 9 years, but it is the comfort, security, trust, warmth and love that i get just from wearing diapers and acting like a baby, that makes me feel calm relaxed and tranquil. I will probibly never know weather my Aspergers ever had anything to do with what ever it was that made me find comfort and security in using nappies, but i do know that it can be dangorus to deny a child diapers if they have started repeatidly asking for them, or asking you to treat them like a baby. A Child may know what they want, but that child is not going to know why they want it, how to get it, or more importantly the dangoers accosiated with it. The only dangoer here is refusel to get a child diapers. This can lead to your DS/DD getting nappies for themselfs and getting them in some very dangorus ways. Examples of methods they might use, Asking people, Stealing from Shops, Stealing from Hospitals, Stealing from Nursing Homes, Stealing from a Sibling, Looking for them in the trash, Using Another's Incontinence Supply, Spending All There Pocket Money On Them or eaven Looking in the Sanitry/Nappy Waste Bins in Toilets. Im shure you will agree all these methods are highly dangorus. I know about them because i was once in a position were i was was hunting for nappies to wear when i was much younger. Now i have a Budget to use wich i buy them from for myself. Infantilism is the Technical name of this, you yourselfs as parents need to figure out weather your child is an infantilist are going through a phase as part of the Aspergers Syndrome or other ASD. Has there recently been any traumatic changes, a new baby ?, a move in house, a move in school, a death anything like that could trigger a perfectly natural period of regreshion in a young child. The best thing you can do to help your child, is to help there emotions and psycology and play along, if your 4 year old wants to go back to poopy diapers for a month or tow it will help your 4 year old more then you can imagine, and certinaly more then it will stress you out. If you have a 7 year old that wants to go back to sleeping in a crib or back to diapers then you should do it, it will help the child more then it will stress you out. But only allow them to regress once. After that if they still want to regress, then you need to start asking them weather they prefer to be a baby, or a big girl / big boy. If by 13 they are still having difficultys they will know what to do already. The Teen Baby Community is out their for them and is protected from Pedophiles and wiredos.