[b]Is politcal corectness actually correct??[/b]
Sometimes people call me foul things when I tell them the truth when others are afraid to, but people respond as if I am a horrable person, but uless You are being Blatently Raceist without backing ( i.e. Use the word hate or promate violent action) but actually have statistics like how people in violent upbringings have a much higher of bringing violance with them for life, I never say that is alllways the case but it often is, I could list for months the things you can't say without being "Politically Correct" but Then I would possibly get flamed etc...
Yes AS no Autisum,
As they are Like but Geneticly differant (i.e. MOST AS people DO NOT have the newly descovered autisum genes or all symptoms of such.)
I think the risk with stats vs PC is that the things that relate to the issue often have multiple underlying causes and it is not always correct to say A causes B.
eg it is true that street crime in UK is perpretrated by a high proportion of black people but this has to be understood in light of the fact that high proportion of black people live in poverty in UK so is it being black or being poor that leads to crime. This is simplification in itself as there are probably more factors like broken homes etc, may be these are proportionally more prevalent in poor families.
quoting stats will not always get you friends especially if you give rigid interpretation.
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It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy.
PC is a load of hypocritical NT BS & if anyone described me as PC I would be insulted!
My theory is that people get "offended" by some of this stuff because they are told they are meant to be offended - like the sheep following the crowd as usual.
(Instead of actually listening to what is being said & discussing it rationally).
I agree with what you have said - being "racist" is treating someone as an inferior human being because of their race.
e.g. going around killing innocent people in a war because they are "them" & not "us". Like when you read in the media that one US or UK soldier gets killed in Iraq that is terrible, but all the 100's & thousands of Iraqi's who get killed don't get a mention because they are "only" Iraqi's.
That is just WRONG! All those people should count just the same.
(And shouldn't this thread be on the politics forum BTW?)

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I can not see where being kind enough not to offend people is considered insulting behaviour.
Political correctness used to be called politeness or diplomatic. You can get your point across with out having to resort to offensive tactics.
It is called 'getting along' but it does not mean you have to roll over to 'get along.'
Political correctness used to be called politeness or diplomatic. You can get your point across with out having to resort to offensive tactics.
It is called 'getting along' but it does not mean you have to roll over to 'get along.'
I do not disagree with any of this.
Maybe we just understand different things by the term "political correctness"?
To me political correctness is when it is considered a worse crime to insult someone than to rob them or mug them. It is also confusing the words "equal" and "identical".
Examples of what I would regard as "political correctness" include:
- Failing to investigate an allegation of child abuse because the perpetators are black or homosexual and it might be seen as "discrimination".
- Sending two 5-foot-nothing female police officers to a fight involving a large group of yobs in the name of "equality" when clearly this is a job that should be dealt with by big strong men - note this has nothing to do with the issue of whether women should be in the police force or not!
- Banning public celebrations of Christian festivals (in a Christian country!) in case it may offend those of other faiths (according to the leaders of said other faiths, it doesn't offend them!)
- Affording more "human rights" to criminals than to their victims.
I am not making any of this up - in the UK you get stories like these in the newspapers every day!
That is why the very words "political correctness" get me infuriated - it is certainly not that I wish to go around insulting people for the sake of it! However, some groups of people are (or pretend to be, which is far far worse!) insulted far too easily, & should simply be reminded that "sticks & stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you!" rather than pandered to all the time to the point of absurdity.
PC means that truth looses to the nebulous concept of not offending someone; assuming of course that is someone we care soooooo much not to offend. We can go ahead and rip white males a new one whenever we want to.
PC is a psychopathic self censoring.
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