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17 Sep 2007, 4:39 pm

Barbaric Europe back to the 1400-1500 invasions, genocides and pirates

Western power response to this financial system downturn has been so far MORE WARS, MORE GENOCIDES, MORE LOOTING AND THEREFORE MORE SPENDING, MORE DEBT AND MORE INFLATION. THE DEVALUATION AND EVENTUAL DESTRUCTION OF THEIR CURRENCY IS PART OF THEIR FRAUD. Because today the USA debt is much higher, so far the dollar is sinking alone against every other currency; but as the dollar vanishes, the Euro in due curse will decline too and for the very same reasons: wars, fiat currencies and printing papers.

If western powers cannot win and control current illegal wars within two years, they will be financially broke no matter how much paper they print between now and then. Their gold reserves are getting depleted to buy energy, pay their high standard of living, and carry huge cost in their wars and defense expenses. But perhaps the main reason is that the rest of the world just does not trust anymore the western financial currencies and financial scams; in fact they are moving to gold.

The looting and abuses on their colonies are not what they used to be just 50 years ago. Western rulers managed to accumulate huge amount of gold, silver and precious stones during their colonial empire time; they built castles with the blood and wealth of other civilizations, they re-created what they learned from those subjugated continents and called it European Renaissance, they destroyed every other civilization and proclaimed themselves a superior race. No wonder all those invaded countries are today backward, culturally alienated, financially destroyed thanks to the European barbaric invasions and crusades.

To see today their shameless genocide in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Palestine, is to remember what these barbaric Europe has been doing for the last 500 years; but now is done in complicity with their bastard that outgrew them: USA.

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17 Sep 2007, 4:40 pm

Barbaric Europe back to the 1400-1500 invasions, genocides and pirates/2

Let me reproduce the savage thinking of these imperial western politicians. Cecil Rhodes, a British politician back in 1825 said:

“I am perfectly convinced that my idea represents the solution of the social problem, namely; to save the forty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a tragic civil war, we colonial politicians must dominate new territories in order to locate the surplus population in them, to find new markets in which to place the products of our factories and our mines. The empire, I have always said, is a question of stomach. If you do not want civil war, you must become imperialists”. Ref. G. Behyaut, 1963, p. 5.

On September 13, 2007, in the UN Assembly, the shameless Anglo-Saxon imperial colonies, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, were the only countries that opposed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which sets out the individual and collective rights of the world’s 370 million native peoples, calls for the maintenance and strengthening of their cultural identities, and emphasizes their right to pursue development in keeping with their own needs and aspirations. The documents calls for the protections for the human rights of indigenous peoples, adopting a landmark declaration that brought to an end nearly 25 years of contentious negotiations OVER THE RIGHTS OF NATIVE PEOPLE TO PROTECT THEIR LANDS AND RESOURCES, and to maintain their unique cultures and traditions.

Barbaric European, with their parasite and incapable monarchic rulers, is unable to develop a sustainable socio-economic model for their subjects that would allow them to live in peace and strive without the need for looting and killing others. At first they killed between themselves and now are killing in the entire planet. Their ruler’s greed exceeds what this entire planet can ever produce.

We all know money grows exponentially but SO DOES THE DEBT! It is this obscene exponential debt from the western powers that is being shamelessly financed by the most poor and backward countries on this planet. The Western powers are being forced to sell their gold, some cities like Berlin are already officially bankrupt, their consumers financially exhausted, their real estate collapsing and dragging down their bankers. And next year start the massive baby-boomers retiring that WILL DOUBLE THE USA DEBT TO $ 100 TRILLIONS! And we must wonder how in hell USA will survive if today takes 87% of the world saving and still cannot managed a $50 trillion debt? AS WE CANNOT MAKE THIS PLANET BIGGER SO THEN WHAT IS NEXT?


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17 Sep 2007, 4:41 pm

Barbaric Europe back to the 1400-1500 invasions, genocides and pirates/3

We as human race must wonder why all these western imperial invasions all over again; completely unprovoked, unsubstantiated, unjustified, illegal, criminals and shameless. My humble response is simple that the western imperial powers ARE GOING FINANCIALLY BELLY UP; thus to prevent social un-rest at home they create these wars overseas and hoping to inflame this planet, decimate the population by billions and get away with their crime and financial scam against the rest of the world.

George H. Bush Sr., 41st President of the United States (March 6, 1991) said:
"The victory over Iraq in the Gulf War was not waged as 'a war to end all wars.’ Even the 'New World Order’ cannot guarantee an era of perpetual peace."

Then let’s see what Robert Kagan and William Kristol, said. Ref. The Gathering Storm (The Weekly Standard, October 29, 2001):

"When all is said and done the conflict in Afghanistan will be to the war on terrorism what the North African campaign was to World War II: an essential beginning on the path to victory. But compared to what looms over the horizon— a wide-ranging war in locales from Central Asia to the Middle East and, unfortunately, back again to the United States— Afghanistan will prove but an opening battle."

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17 Sep 2007, 4:42 pm

Barbaric Europe back to the 1400-1500 invasions, genocides and pirates/4

Why Merkele call the Afghanistan invasion CRUCIAL when this country is just rubles after 30 years of wars? What NATO forces have to do in Somalia, Africa? Why intelligent and educated politicians of the west go along with Bush imperial aggressiveness and crime against innocent people?

The response is simple: imperial west lost the full control of their colonies; globalization is not enough to secure their economic power; so they have being using expensive military might that finally is rendering their financial system and currencies to the ground. What is crucial these days is WILL THE WEST WARS PREVAIL BEFORE THEIR FINANCIAL SYSTEM COLLAPSE?

The US and Western Europe dollar with OVER $ 200 TRILLIONS OF PRINTED PAPER BUT ONLY 25.000 TONS OF GOLD in their reserve means hyper inflation is getting closer than ever to a sudden burst. This fraud is sustained by their aircraft carriers, nuclear arsenals, invasions, genocides, assassinations, all supported by the western media.

Let’s see what Major-General Smedley D. Butler, U.S. Marine Corp Commander said in “War Is a Racket”, 1935:

"I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer..."

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17 Sep 2007, 4:42 pm

Western financial fraud and scam fiat currency

The Euro like the dollar is just another fiat currency and therefore is expected to be the new western financial scam that would carry the torch after the dollar fraud collapse. It is through these fiat currencies that western powers preserve themselves and expand their wealth and domination by robbing and destroying the third world economies.

This western financial scam is quite simple. At the end of WW II and the collapse of the British Empire, the western powers forced all nations TO TRADE IN DOLLAR. Therefore nations were forced to buy dollars in order to buy/sell their products/services in the international market. Furthermore, the Bretton-Wood Treaty gave them the assurance that the US dollar was convertible to gold as the US monetary system was required to be tied to gold standard. Furthermore, the dollar diplomacy promoted the western capitalist invincibility, the eternal sustainability and sound investments in USA treasury bonds and corporations. So nations and people, not only bought dollar for international trading, but they also converted most of their hard earned SAVINGS INTO DOLLAR.

As chicken were directed to the barn the question was HOW TO SLAUGHTER THEM SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE. Quite simple: First, the USA with the western empires complicity started printed paper money out of thin air in order to build a massive DEFENSE ESTABLISHMENT to enforce their policies, to ensure NO CHICKENS GETS OUT OF THE BARN AND THE FEW SMART RUNNING LOSE will have to be either killed or brought in quickly. Secondly, after the WW II, the supposed last war, USA and western powers went around the world looking for war: invasions, interventions, and undercover-operations with assassinations, genocides, invasions under the pretense of freedom, democracy, western values, and free trade. This was the ‘dollar gun-boat diplomacy” phase. Thirdly, they printed obscene amount of paper money obscene amount of money, bribed leaders around he world, bought their territories, gold, silver, natural resources, strategic and key industries, prime properties, best farm lands, etc. In other words, the western empires STARTED CHANGING THEIR OWN USELESS PRINTED PAPERS FOR REAL TANGIBLE ASSETS from third world countries. Fourthly, like the above scam was not enough misery for those billions of people, western power were coercing governments through World Bank, IMF and others to take loans at high interest rates, secured with the country national resources or other tangible assets. Those loans were always inflated to ensure the victim country will never be able to pay them back; this prompted even more looting of natural resources and other assets as these countries were forced to sell on weakness, when the markets were depressed. But this crime went further, the loaned monies never arrived to the country as the fund were deposited in USA accounts and managed from western banks with the purpose to use USA CONSULTING AND CONTRACTING SERVICES at much higher price that local people could have done it.

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17 Sep 2007, 4:43 pm

Western financial fraud and scam fiat currency/2

But back in the 1970s-1980s, some central bankers and people around the world were waking up to the fact that the expensive Korean, Vietnam and other wars were financed by PRINTING PAPERS. So these people and bankers saw the US dollar as fraud; that USA was printing paper out thin air and without the required gold backing. So to protect themselves, they started to change massively the US dollar for gold. Soon the USA was running low in their gold reserves, confirming the facts that they have printed many times over the legal limit imposed by the gold standard (do a quick guess: $ 35/oz*20.000 tons). So the USA government under the Nixon unilaterally was forced to cancel the Bretton-Wood Treaty and to admit publicly and officially that the USA reserves were bankrupt; they could no longer honor the gold convertibility.

From then on, the USA printing machine got even busier as they were no more international restriction to the amount they could print. Furthermore, any limit on US debt imposed by law was broken time after time by their irresponsible Congresswhores. So now Bush has printed more money out of thin air than ALL PRESIDENTS COMBINED IN USA HISTORY.

This means western empires bankers can claim technically at any time that the dollar and the euros have no value. Their fraud will be fully realized at the time the DOLLAR APPROACHES ZERO. They will owe legally nothing to any foreign country or person because the dollar has being phasing out for decades and for all to see and act accordingly if they wished to. So ONE dollar in 1923 is equal today when adjusted for inflation (combination of accumulated debt and printed paper) to only FOUR CENTS, like it or not that is the fact. In case you may not like it, NATO racketeer forces have changed their charter so now they can go any where in the world, wherever you are, to convince you otherwise.

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17 Sep 2007, 4:43 pm

Western financial fraud and scam fiat currency/3

Charles de Gaulle must be given a lot of credit for challenging the USA scam back in the 1970s as he forced Nixon to declare the USA gold reserve bankrupt after decreasing from 20.000 tons to less than 8.000 tons. I believe since then, no physical and independent audit has been done in the USA gold reserves, so who knows if they have any ounce at all. Nixon betrayal to Bretton-Wood Treaty created the so called “oil crisis” when in fact was the “dollar crisis”. The USD index dived from 165 to just 80 loosing 50% of its value and the gold went from $35 to $ 850/ounce in few years time. The dollar index since then never recovered; it reached a lower peak during Clinton at 123 and now is again back to 80 and even lower than during the “oil crisis”.

So the dollar today without gold backing, without 100% guarantee that can buy oil ((petrodollars) and with more printed paper than ever before, WE MUST PREPARE FOR A SHARP DIVE OF ANOTHER 40% IN THE VERY SHORT TERM. I hope the fraud will not collapse overnight because the main looser will be all those poor third world countries that either believe in this s**t or were force to believe on it.

So now with all the chicken either in the barn and none running lose, the time has arrived to shamelessly bust the dollar. As part of the plan, they created the Euro as an alternative to the dollar to continue the western financial scam and the world financial domination.

The plan of the ECB and Federal Reserve in USA is now to keep printing until the dollar burst! This will happen when all DENIAL, FAITH, HOPE AND COERCION over these papers vanishes from this planet. That will be day when the HYPER-INFLATION will show up and destroy these fiat currencies like the German Mark was in 1923. THEN GOLD WILL BE THE KING AGAIN.

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17 Sep 2007, 4:44 pm

Western financial fraud and scam fiat currency/4

Let’s review two consecutive weekly reports from the ECB at the time they added $ 371 billions in liquidity in August 2007. We will see how their gold and cash reserves changed during that period but no where you will see the $ 371 billions issued. This PROBE that the added money was printed paper out of thin air; first, they did not have such huge amounts in their reserve as seen in the previous week and secondly, they reported no changes in their reserve the following week. In summary, the ECB printed $ 371 billions out of thin air probing that the Euro is just another western scam.

Let’s see those reports:


“FRANKFURT -(Dow Jones)- The Eurosystem's reserves of gold and gold receivables decreased EUR26 million to EUR172.041 billion in the week ended Aug. 17, the European Central Bank said Tuesday. The Eurosystem's reserves of net foreign currency increasedEUR0.4 billion to EUR145.2 billion during the period. The ECB said cash in circulation decreased EUR2.2 billion to EUR641.9 billion. Meanwhile, liabilities to the general government increased EUR4.4 billion to EUR41.1 billion.”

Then the ECB Pumped $371B Into Eurozone Market


“FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--The Eurosystem's reserves of gold and gold receivables decreased EUR16 million to EUR172.025 billion in the week ended Aug. 24, the European Central Bank said Tuesday. The Eurosystem's reserves of net foreign currency increasedEUR0.3 billion to EUR145.5 billion during the period. The ECB said cash in circulation fell EUR5.8 billion to EUR636.1 billion. Meanwhile, liabilities to the general government increased EUR14.9 billion to EUR56 billion”.


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17 Sep 2007, 4:44 pm

Western financial fraud and scam fiat currency/5

On top of printing papers out of thin air, the Western European central bankers are ALL being forced to SELL THEIR GOLD RESERVES just to pay their unsustainable growing social benefits and huge warfare and military build-ups. As they are selling at the rate of 500 tons per year and without any buying back power in the horizon, tells us that European Central Bankers gold holdings is inexorably being depleted and becoming a ‘GOLD FREE CONTINENT’.

The question I have in my mind is for how long Europe and USA can keep printing money before the total collapse of their currency and financial system. Western European Central Bankers collectively has around 17.000 tons i.e. they should not print no more than 510/oz* 17.000 tons. But this amount is already exceeded many times over.

Today we see the real possibility that this 500 years of Western Europe monarchical oppression, looting and domination through genocides, may be coming to an end. Thanks to their greedy rulers that overstretched their military adventures, their FINANCIAL SYSTEM IS BROKE.

INDIA for instance deregulated gold trade and now is expected they will BUY 800 TONS PER YEAR and gradually increasing to 1200 tons in the next 5 years; other news said that they will exceed 1.000 tons this year! China also deregulated gold trade and now Chinese people are trading gold and rapidly becoming SECOND OR THIRD MAJOR GOLD consumers but also producer; this means billions will be stored in gold rather than useless western papers. Japan just three week ago changed the gold trade regulations; therefore we can expect that Japanese people will also start changing useless papers for GOLD in substantial amounts. On the other hand, in the Middle East DUBAI physical gold demand and trade in the Middle East are soaring year after year! Finally, the progress made by Russia in their reserves is astonishing i.e. they grew from $ 64 billions just three ago to over $ 370 billions today at a pace of few billions per week!

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17 Sep 2007, 4:45 pm

Western financial fraud and scam fiat currency/6

Considering that back in 2005 the European central bankers collectively have around 17.000 tons of gold and they are being forced to sell at the of 500 tons per year due to their exponentially growing debt we must conclude in most uncertain terms that the WORLD WEALTH IS MOVING EAST AND SOUTH

Furthermore, if nothing dramatic changes in the next 7 years, the USA, France, German and UK Sovereign Bonds WILL BE ALL JUNK BOND according to economic projections from S&P. This projection confirms in a different way, that the rest of the world will be victim of this western financial scam that is now unfolding. Those third world countries invested in western financial currencies and financial instruments will likely lose over 80% of their reserves and overseas investments, as they have NO GOLD or very little in their reserves to protect themelves from the hyperinflation that is coming.




For all human being on this planet remember one thing, AS AN AGRESSOR OR AS A VICTIM OF THESE WARS, you are both victim OF THE PARASTE RULERS OF WESTERN EUROPE (bilderberg) AND USA (Trilateral Commission).


And sorry for being so extensive!

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17 Sep 2007, 5:32 pm

magic wrote:
Welcome to the "News and Current Events" forum! This is a new board to post any interesting news stories you find, or discuss current events, recent news, or other related things. (Please keep political discussions in our "Politics, Philosophy, and Religion" forum, as before.)


This and other recent posts you made here are not news... please keep them in the appropriate forum


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17 Sep 2007, 5:40 pm

jrknothead wrote:
magic wrote:
Welcome to the "News and Current Events" forum! This is a new board to post any interesting news stories you find, or discuss current events, recent news, or other related things. (Please keep political discussions in our "Politics, Philosophy, and Religion" forum, as before.)


This and other recent posts you made here are not news... please keep them in the appropriate forum

Open your small mind, some of it is HOT news and some of it is FUTURE news and some of it is past data in order to illustrate PRESENT news.

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17 Sep 2007, 6:03 pm

It's political commentary, meant to promote your anti-american viewpoint. it doesn't belong in the current events forum.


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17 Sep 2007, 6:05 pm

jrknothead wrote:
magic wrote:
Welcome to the "News and Current Events" forum! This is a new board to post any interesting news stories you find, or discuss current events, recent news, or other related things. (Please keep political discussions in our "Politics, Philosophy, and Religion" forum, as before.)


This and other recent posts you made here are not news... please keep them in the appropriate forum

Thats what the newspapers said every day for 12 years regarding the criminal and genocidal sanctions against Iraqis in which 2 million people died including at the very least half a million children under 5 years old "its not news though is it" no its a drip drip drip we only report drops.

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17 Sep 2007, 6:06 pm

jrknothead wrote:
It's political commentary, meant to promote your anti-american viewpoint. it doesn't belong in the current events forum.

It is not lol political commentary but analysis regarding the economic situation and the background to such.

It is equally critical of Europe :roll:

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17 Sep 2007, 6:30 pm

Since none of this has anything to do with Asperger's, I'm writing it off as irrelevant.