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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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20 Sep 2007, 2:23 am

Just wondering if there is anyone else out there who prefers not doing PE/Gym class but has to anyway because no one believes sick/other excuses. And then ends up getting Hurt or embarrased...or both.


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20 Sep 2007, 2:37 am

i hated them.

why do people speak of a "free world" when still children in school are forced to do things they dont want to?

i also once got my arm broken in gym class. but thats not the reason i didnt like them.


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20 Sep 2007, 2:47 am

I managed to get exused from them because of my bad feet (from excessive toe-walking)
I was an office runner and library aid for several years instead as a result.

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20 Sep 2007, 4:02 am

My 7 year old used to meltdown on Mondays because of PE.

So now he stays home on Mondays. 4 days/week school is enough for him.

He goes to Taekwondo and likes running around and jumping on the trampoline so he gets enough exercise.



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20 Sep 2007, 4:52 am

I used to have terrible problems with PE because 1) I am dyspraxic and amblyopic and 2) We only ever played team sports and I didn't understand team dynamics.

The result was that both the other children and the teachers picked on me and said I was just being lazy. It didn't seem to enter their heads that there were some things that I was genuinely physically incapable of doing!


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20 Sep 2007, 5:57 am

the good thing about sport is that the teachers are usually incompetent

in my last year of sport i didnt bring the uniform once, i also never participated .... but in the last lesson i ran around the field for a wile shouting SPORT!!

my first high school was very sport orientated i hated it .......... but at that school everyone ignored me so when we were meant to line up to do stuff i would usually wait till i got close to the front and walk to the back again ............. my year 8 sport teacher gave out his first fail ... to me ..... he also said unless i got fitter i wouldn't live to be 30

[point where im just ranting]

it was an all boys school, they had these really gay short shorts and there was one game were we were meant to stick a ribbon down the back of them and go around stealing other peoples ...... i handed mine to the first guy to come near me ........... it seems now that there was allot more gymnastics and general bending over than you would think necessary .......................... we did i think a month of a bike program i went over the handlebars twice the first time going down a very steep hill with huge ruts i tried to pull over into some 'grass' but i used the front break and went over the handlebars into a bramble bush, the second was a more standard fall onto concrete

Maybe I don't know either.


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20 Sep 2007, 8:38 am

girl7000 wrote:
We only ever played team sports and I didn't understand team dynamics.

The result was that both the other children and the teachers picked on me and said I was just being lazy. It didn't seem to enter their heads that there were some things that I was genuinely physically incapable of doing!

You hit it spot on. i dont understand *how* teams work, and my hand eye coordination is nearly non-existant. PE was 12 years of torture for me, in my school district starting 2001-02, my freshman year, we had the body mass index testing and personalized excercise plans, ugh! i am borderline obese but do not look it at all as i am quite muscular (ass made of jello though) i must say footbal and weightlifting were the worst. Despite my muscle i have little upper body strength, i can bench press (not kidding) 45 pounds, when 350 was the norm, on the other hand i could leg press a small car. wow, im getting off topic buy yeah, gym was school sponsored hell. thank God i graduated back in 05, classes are getting stricter.

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20 Sep 2007, 9:16 am

when I was 14 I had a couple seizures in school and the neurologist I saw gave me a note that said I couldn't run. What he didn't write in the note was that I couldn't run for only 2 weeks. I milked that excuse until my senior year. And the school was so terrified I'd have another seizure there that they never questioned it (actually they were so terrified I'd have another seizure that I was sent home if I even looked ill, and once when the principal heard I had thrown up he brought down a wheelchair to take me to the nurses office)


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20 Sep 2007, 10:57 am

Compulsory P.E. was the bane of my existence for years. Thankfully I'm now in Sixth Form and can't be forced to move if I don't want to. I mostly got out of it by alternating between forging notes and not turning up. The times I did do it (in order to not arouse suspicion that I was skipping the class) I always somehow ended up falling over backwards, tripping up or being in a 'team' with people who hated me. Sometimes all three; those were the fun lessons :roll: .


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20 Sep 2007, 11:39 am

I was somewhat of an expert at arranging appointments during PE so I wouldn't have to go. I hated it, absolutely hated it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Sep 2007, 12:57 am

Over is Australia our Government is forcing all primary school children to have at least 1 hour of PE each day.

and at my school if you dont paticpate in the practical (gym) part of the class you lose marks from the theory part of the class.
lame. :?

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21 Sep 2007, 5:01 am

Shinigami wrote:
Just wondering if there is anyone else out there who prefers not doing PE/Gym class but has to anyway because no one believes sick/other excuses. And then ends up getting Hurt or embarrased...or both.

When I was at high school my P.E days were the worst ever. I was tormented by the students and the teacher just because I was not co-ordinated.
I used to stay home from school on most P.E days, write notes for some so I didn't have to participate and on the days I did have to participate I would end up hurting myself on accident while playing the sport. I used to fall over all the time when playing sport...and still do.

My P.E teacher was horrible and very bossy. I am glad those days are over for me.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Sep 2007, 7:35 pm

I always liked PE. It gave me an excuse to push my body to the limit and see how much abuse it could take.

I found that it doesn't matter how small you are, how weak you are, or how skilled you are; if you try hard, people won't bother you. Didn't matter that I could only bench 60 lbs, that I ran a mile in 7:39, or that I could not get a basketball through a hoop if I had a ladder in front of the hoop. The only people who were made fun of were those who flat-out refused to do anything.

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23 Sep 2007, 1:56 pm

The good thing is they can't "force" you to do anything, call me a rebel but i refused to do it.

When they wanted to give me detentions for not doing PE i got a doctor's note.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Sep 2007, 1:26 am

maulwurfmann wrote:
I always liked PE. It gave me an excuse to push my body to the limit and see how much abuse it could take.

I found that it doesn't matter how small you are, how weak you are, or how skilled you are; if you try hard, people won't bother you. Didn't matter that I could only bench 60 lbs, that I ran a mile in 7:39, or that I could not get a basketball through a hoop if I had a ladder in front of the hoop. The only people who were made fun of were those who flat-out refused to do anything.

60lbs!!? still tops my 10 kg...


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25 Sep 2007, 5:30 am

I did P.E. for the 1st 3 years, now due to the fact I was bullied to shreds, I haven't done it for year 10 (last year) and my last year. :)