SpaceStace wrote:
I'm new here so I don't know the history here of why there is no men's forum (any more?) but my request that the women's forum be only for women in no way implied that men should not have a men-only forum, or any subgroup by race, religion, sexuality, age or anything for that matter.
Just how many sub-forums with restricted access do
you suggest then?
In practice, it's not a women's only forum at all, and unless it becomes so I think it's name and it's tag in the index are misleading and should be changed.
I think that the name is fine. Changing
the description, since that was NEVER
the case anyhow, would probably be
a good move. Though, by having it
the way that it is, it may just keep some
men from posting there. Probably not from
looking, however. And, once one sees that
other men are posting, it becomes more
difficult to restrain oneself.
But, there become difficult issues surrounding
those with gender issues (by the modern meaning),
of which there are a number here.