I drive a forklift and load/unload trucks at a huge warehouse. I am one of the top producers, and I have only been their 1.6 years! Now I make a decent amount, more then many at that company and some that have been their even longer.
WHile I do occasionally chit chat, I mean they are your co-workers and its good to be a bit social and have allies, friends and hear everything about what they are doing and work gossup, often I work alone, and because I have an efficent system for loading and unloading trucks with thousands of cases or products and I do it with more accuracy then many others who screw up, have a poor system and cant keep up. As a result I get treated well and can get away with having a fight with my boss or taking a few days off if i really feel like it.
space and time efficency is good too, i guess what i wrote prior to this was the time efficency, but space is important to and depending on how many pallets of product I have (how I need to possition them in the truck so they dont tip and will all fit if its a full 53' truck. I also have a certain amount of dockspace, since their are 35+ trucks backed into this massive facility everyone needs dock space and because I tend to fill mine up first (to the point sometimes I must work inside the truck itself) I need to be able to safely stack pallets weighting up to 1.5 tons on top of eachother, have them not fall and be neat, organized, and lined up so people can walk around in between them yet no real wasted space.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.