What was your wierdest obsession growing up?

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30 Sep 2007, 8:40 pm

Mine was dog breeds :lol: ! I know every kind of dog breed out there, including the rare ones like kanguls, and dogo argentinos haha. I was obsessed with studying canine breeds for hours, haha don't ask me why! To this day, I can point out a mutt, and what breeds hes a mix of haha. What was your weirdest obsession growing up as a kid?

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30 Sep 2007, 8:46 pm

my weirdest obsession was (and still is) collecting rocks. I guess it's because I like the feel of them, especially quartzes and feldspars. My absolute favorite rock is Obsidian, it's so smooth and so black.

I also collected slate, to break apart. I don't know why I like to split it, it just makes me feel good in a way. BUT NOT SO MUCH AS TAKING A HAMMER TO THEM AND SPLITTING THEM APART!! ! :wink: :wink:

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30 Sep 2007, 8:47 pm

Collecting woodlice.


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30 Sep 2007, 9:02 pm

Age1600, i was exactly like you, spent like 7 years volunteering/and working at a animal shelter, and would buy myself a breed book that would tell me all types of dogs, and what they are used for, and would like match them to animals coming into the shelter. lol that was fun, especially i had a obession going though the lost and found pet book and trying to reunite owners with there pets if they come into a shelter or someone finds them. that was so much fun, i'm thinking about doing that again, a soon as the animal shelter reopens (it's getting remodeled) when i was younger.. now it's just the computer and video games right now.


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30 Sep 2007, 9:06 pm

jaydog wrote:
Age1600, i was exactly like you, spent like 7 years volunteering/and working at a animal shelter, and would buy myself a breed book that would tell me all types of dogs, and what they are used for, and would like match them to animals coming into the shelter. lol that was fun, especially i had a obession going though the lost and found pet book and trying to reunite owners with there pets if they come into a shelter or someone finds them. that was so much fun, i'm thinking about doing that again, a soon as the animal shelter reopens (it's getting remodeled) when i was younger.. now it's just the computer and video games right now.

Haha, I would use petsmart site, and foudn out what was the purpose for each breed, and after I loved it, looked up the sites of every kind of breed of dog out there, even the very rare breeds haha. I also went to the petfinder site, and did what you did, looked up breeds, tried to find the owners of them haha. I would love to go back to that obsession, but lately my new obsession is blue glass(royal blue) or that paint of royal blue haha, wherever I go, I look for it, its weird haha. I saw a nice car with it, and had to touch it, like the color felt something to me haha, once again weirrd :roll: !

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30 Sep 2007, 9:18 pm

First it was buttons Then it was dog breeds. I would read an old AKC
guide over and over. Then it was reproduction, rocks, stamps, coins,
bottle caps, gum comics, gum wrappers. I used to make those chain
things out of gum wrappers. I made really really long ones of those. Also
those things called Pogs (remember those?) Trivia, word puzzles, game
shows, Final Fantasy games, Geneaology. I get obsessed with TV shows
too. I usually always have one or two things every couple of months that
I focus exclusively on at a time. Lately it has been ebay and Excel.

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30 Sep 2007, 9:23 pm

DaQwerk wrote:
First it was buttons Then it was dog breeds. I would read an old AKC
guide over and over. Then it was reproduction, rocks, stamps, coins,
bottle caps, gum comics, gum wrappers. I used to make those chain
things out of gum wrappers. I made really really long ones of those. Also
those things called Pogs (remember those?) Trivia, word puzzles, game
shows, Final Fantasy games, Geneaology. I get obsessed with TV shows
too. I usually always have one or two things every couple of months that
I focus exclusively on at a time. Lately it has been ebay and Excel.

Omgosh I was obsessed with pogs, and gum rappers, only the bazooka joe gum wrappers haha, thankfully those obsessions didn't quite last as long as my others haha.

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30 Sep 2007, 9:39 pm

Memorising and rehearsing theatrical monologues from books of monologues intended for auditions. I would do the same Joan of Arc monologue over and over again...


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30 Sep 2007, 9:40 pm

Daggone i had so many.. flags of the world and writing down the old interstate exit signs was probably the main strange oibsessions i had. When i was really young i liked telephone poles. I'd memorize every pole going down the road i lived down for about 10 miles. whenever they put up new transformers or wire i was tickled to death. i still like radio towers and whatever but have lost interest in the telephone poles somewhat. i hate how some of these town wanna bury their utilities lol.


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30 Sep 2007, 9:41 pm

Wierdest? I wouldn't put it that way, but my most intense obsession was Pink Floyd. To the point where my mom hated hearing it (and she loved them.) I did a school report on them, and she got mad, said I should do it on Africa or something. Could've been a reporter for Rolling Stone, I says. But I knew everything, every album, every birthday, every solo album. And then I used to line the cassete covers (and eventually cd covers) up on the bed and just stare at them, in chronologcial order. I also had posters all over the wall, practiced drawing the characters from THE WALL, and had patched sown to everything.

Ah well. Just another brick in the wall.

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30 Sep 2007, 9:44 pm

In about grade 5 we were suppost to wait with a teacher inside the school for a certain late bus to come, I somehow was never missed and sat outside the school hiding behind a fence, and had a collection of bark I kept in a groove in the fence. I think I imagined they were spaceships though, so that may not be an AS collection exactly.. just cheap toys. :P

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30 Sep 2007, 9:57 pm

My weirdest obsession...

Definately toe/finger nail clippings. I used to have a three jars full of them from my own body :!: (I know...it's gross).

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30 Sep 2007, 10:10 pm

Weirdest obsession while growing up?

Besides masturbating like a mad-man!

I was obsessive about Commodore and Atari video games. Would play for hours, and felt the compulsion to collect every title. Kind of like I do know with the Gamecube and PSP in which I have a complete library and for the PSP, I'm 3 months short of the complete library!

So I guess I like to fixate over having complete libraries of stuff.

weird, huh?

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30 Sep 2007, 10:28 pm

Ninja Turtles. Just the movie, id watch it over and over all day until the tape broke.


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30 Sep 2007, 10:56 pm

The Weather Channel

(I'm still obsessed with those things)

& I used to be totally obsessed with Pokemon cards. I still have all my cards, but they are in storage.
In first grade, I was obsessed with dinosaurs for a while.

In middle school, I got obsessed with Titanic, Bufy the Vampire slayer, & pretty much all horror or disaster movies.


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30 Sep 2007, 10:58 pm

Brittany2907 wrote:
My weirdest obsession...

Definately toe/finger nail clippings. I used to have a three jars full of them from my own body :!: (I know...it's gross).

Now THAT has to be the weirdest so far. Most of the others posted aren't weird at all.