Although I do agree that he needs some basics, these basics are acquired through his homeschooling. In addition, where we live, we're allowed to homeschool as we see fit, so I'm thankful for that. I do believe that a parent's top job is to know their child better than their teachers or doctors...and that is what we strive for every single day.
With that said, my view of unschooling vs. traditional school vs. homeschooling is a separate issue, which we all as parents should have a right to pursue as we see fit. I think all of us as parents have different perspectives and I do appreciate your interest and perspective as well.
Just to give you an overview, we have an art table with all supplies you can think of in our open plan kitchen/family/breakfast area to which he has access at anytime. Actually, even our neighbors who are "schooled" love coming over because they are able to play and do art without the expectation that what they make must look like X, Y or Z...We spend lots of time there because he enjoys it.
Music? He has perfect pitch...He has a box full of musical instruments, we sing and dance just about everyday and he also performs for us constantly, and actually anyone who visits because he loves music so much. We're constantly told he has a great voice and well, he does...he has perfect pitch. Ah yes, he's learned DO RE MI...and is always making a music sheet and putting the dots on the correct lines for each note...pretty cute...
Math? At the age of 3 he knew all numbers through 100 in both spanish and english. He also could do simple calculations of addition and subtraction, not because we made him do it, but because he had video games with addition and subtraction which he he learned them well.
As far as a different way of thinking, it's very interesting because one of the things that doctors tell us is that he doesn't play with all his toys or things in the way in which they were intended...oh so very true! haha...He actually makes all kinds of things and plays with things in both the intended way or in a different way because he uses his imagination and we do not make him play with things in a specific way. He loves building bridges and sometimes that means that he takes out everything out of our file boxes to use them to prop up his bridges, etc...but we enjoy that he's thinking outside the is a great attribute and skill to have.
My concern as posted here is the speech/reading...because I do believe he needs to be able to communicate...We considered school for this same issue, however, the school doesn't and cannot guarantee to us that what they do to teach him will make him learn it...therefore, we also have no guarantee that what we do will teach him. All we can do is get different perspectives, try different approaches in the hopes that one of those approaches works well for him...and that is what we do on a daily basis.
Again, I do believe there are many correct ways to do things...but at the same time, every child is different and the opportunity we have to tailor his schooling to his abilities is a wonderful thing. Sadly, in the schools where we live they do not look at the different learning abilities, but expect all children to learn all subjects in the same manner, which as far as I'm concerned is not fair to anyone who learns in a different way.
Anyway, again, I thank you for your concern...but I do have to say that we spend our days and nights attempting to figure him out to help him in the best way we possibly can, so that he can succeed in life.
By the way, I do know there are great concerns about schooling/homeschooling/unschooling even in the medical community. Amazingly enough, all doctors we've seen have told us he must go to school to learn, but once they test him, they all have told us he is way ahead in most subjects...except of course his speech, for which we do have a speech therapist that works with him twice a week, as suggested by the doctors...and I also practice everything he learns at speech therapy at home with him.
Meanwhile, I now know that our book library will continue to grow...hehe...It seems it gets bigger everyday, but now I see why...and I guess, it's always good to have lots of books...Just last week I ordered another 10 or so from Amazon...