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04 Oct 2007, 9:12 pm

Yes as my VP topic suggests I am looking for some new ideas for possible new games so if you have an idea or two let me (and all who read this page) know!

~Aaron, the professional doormat.

Last edited by Relicanth7 on 05 Oct 2007, 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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04 Oct 2007, 11:03 pm

How about NPC's that don't all have the same dialogue trees?


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05 Oct 2007, 2:31 am

Oblivion is a great game.


Fighting on horses
Greater variety of scenery
Enhancements for certain standard armours eg. Fur more resistant to ice, Glass more resistant to fire, Elven more resistant to magic
Variety of body types- there should be fat and thin people.
Reformed magic system
Extra damage for hitting certain parts of the body

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05 Oct 2007, 3:25 pm

Yes! All of these are great ideas!

But as well as strengths thy sould also have weaknesses to counterbalance them like:

Glass armor:
5% reflect spell- Glass reflects things
5% weakness to fire- cause it melts glass

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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05 Oct 2007, 3:36 pm

How about recreating the superior Morrowind, with the superior graphics and game engine of Oblivion?


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07 Oct 2007, 9:16 pm

Nambo wrote:
How about recreating the superior Morrowind, with the superior graphics and game engine of Oblivion?

That would be a good idea... but It would be interesting if you could travel to al of Tamriels provences

so insted of just reading about it in the hundreds of On Morrowind books (Unlimited if you use the duplication glitch...) But you could visit morrowind... :?

As well as enimes differing by area like it would cool (and hard) to fight a swamp leviathan from
The argoinan acount V 4

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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07 Oct 2007, 9:16 pm

Nambo wrote:
How about recreating the superior Morrowind, with the superior graphics and game engine of Oblivion?

That would be a good idea... but It would be interesting if you could travel to al of Tamriels provences

so insted of just reading about it in the hundreds of On Morrowind books (Unlimited if you use the duplication glitch...) But you could visit morrowind... :?

As well as enimes differing by area like it would cool (and hard) to fight a swamp leviathan from
The argoinan acount V 4

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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07 Oct 2007, 9:16 pm

Any objections?

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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09 Oct 2007, 4:57 pm

Come on we need more ideas

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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09 Oct 2007, 5:04 pm

Are you a Bethesda employee or something?

Flying and gigantic enemies would be cool, too.

There aren't many huge enemies to fight against in Oblivion. Nothing like huge dragons or anything. Or giant sea monsters.

Plus, the levelling system needs to be altered so that enemies don't level up. Some areas should have more dangerous monsters than others.

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09 Oct 2007, 5:07 pm

No im not from Bethesda... THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOO COOL THOUGH!! ! :D

But yes I agree with thier needs to be more Giant monsters.... Well like How big? :?

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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09 Oct 2007, 6:41 pm

I know!

Cliff Racers, hundreds of them, everywhere, in your homes, in your hair, and make them indestructable.


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09 Oct 2007, 8:17 pm

But the most pressing matter is that there needs to be more Aquatic creatures, Slaughterfish are reeeeeeealy easy to kill and boring and repeditive as well the sea bass in animal crossing.

A giant squid monster a Kraken if you will would lurk in the deepest depths of the waters, it looks somthing like the Watcher From Lord of the Rings...

yess as well adding an experince system insted of/or with the already exestant lvl up by skill increace.

On top of that a few more skills

More schools of magic

Create your oun weapons and armor can place multiple enchantments on armor and apparel

Lots more mosters out in the wild, no leveling system just more of em'

Advanced enchnting styem

More alchenical ingredents with more effects

more houses

can conjour multiple creatures at once

Can buy "pets" Everlasting allied creatures and deadra

Deadric towns: towns made of resident Dremora

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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09 Oct 2007, 8:22 pm

You can enter a Halo 3 forage type mode to decorate houses

Horseback combat


Hand cannons

Seige Engines for sale

Boats for sale

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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10 Oct 2007, 12:28 pm

How about they screw The Elder Scrolls and Halo and make Baldur's Gate 3?

Then I can actually get back into playing games.


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10 Oct 2007, 2:05 pm

Brian003 wrote:
How about they screw The Elder Scrolls and Halo and make Baldur's Gate 3?

Then I can actually get back into playing games.

I second that. I've been playing Baldur's Gate II for several years now, and it hasn't gotten old (especially with all the mods); I really like the look and gameplay of Oblivion, but it got old after I'd played for a couple weeks, when I first tried the quest in Anvil with the gang of robbers/seductresses. I was playing an evil female character, and it seemed like a perfect fit... until I went to the farmhouse and I could only say two things. "What if I don't want to join?" and "I'm looking for Gogan's ring" (or at least something very close to that). In reality, I'd forgotten that Gogan even HAD a ring by then. Baldur's Gate doesn't force you to do many things, and when they do they at least tend to let you react like your character would... I sorely missed that when playing Morrowind and Oblivion.

?Hey, you have ten fingers, I have ten fingers, let's be friends. We'll make rules and slogans. Then if we find someone with nine fingers, we can beat the crap out of them.? -George