NT women are changing
I feel that NT women are changing at a rapid rate and its not good especially for any males with an autistic syndrome. From my observations and research we are now living in the science fiction of the art world were women walk around with warrior outfits and have a power and control that equals that of the man thus mean that were in sxxt creek.
Not that I don't believe in equality for women quite the opposite but it seems that women are now holding all the strings and have a sexual thirst that can only be understood by the aroggance and fearlessness of the NT male.
Women are also less likely to feel hurt by being seen as a peace of meat and this is shown by the pornographic internet revolution where many thousands of women now parade there body's and activities to the world wide web. What can we do about it ? absolutely nothing until eventually autism becomes extinct through the lack of courtship activity or until autistics may just begin to mutate and expand until a new level of human is woken.
Nt women need cash, security (physical, financial, mental) which as an autistic male I feel to shallow to even offer. NT women and men are much more in need of support and are very inclined to try to pursue things that gain them the power they need to get sex etc.
My brother who is the typical NT greek male of which I am not greek or NT tends to offer an interesting insight into how things work. He will go out and buy skin creams, expensive clothes, drives a car, works all the hours god send, gets a fake sun tan, works out to gain muscle and now also jogs. He does get attention from some very attractive women but they all mess him about something rotten. He caught is ex gf in bed with another bloke, He has got a friend who offers him sex but nothing comes of it because for all his faults he treats her really well. Only the other week he was lied to by her when they went clubbing she said she was going home with her friend and then he found her somewhere else with lots of other men. I also think that his ex girlfriend went with his own father once which says a lot about women today.
Women think that life owes them sexual frolics and a time to let there prides down and behave like meat careless to that fact. In a way they have become brats in which they can do as they please without fear of the consequences and they say that it is autistics that don't feel empathy, what a load of crap that is. I put others first and have a current relationship with an NT women who don't understand my frown of how women now behave.
I hope this serves to offer a general idea of my latest new thoughts on NT women and is in no way a bitter statement to attack women because I do like most women and always will do.
This is what gets me about equality and feminism, Women dont actually belive in it themselves.
So, doesnt matter how much money they earn, they still want a man who earns more.
Doesnt matter how masculine and dominant they get, they still want a stronger and more dominant partner.
Basically, they still want the same statous quo.
The result of this is that they have to chose more aggresive and violent males with the result that natural selection changes the spiecies into an ever more violent and selfish society.
And het these same women who chose the worst attributes of the male will still blame man for all the ills of the world.
Imagine how nice the world would be if Women chose gentle and kind males for thier mates and shunned the arrogent and selfish.
I think a lot of women these days (oh, only the old say 'these days', lol) are becoming more masculine and I also think a lot of men are becoming more feminine, as though the human species is in danger of losing its gender identities.
I think the patriarchal society is partly to blame because traditional feminine qualities of caring, nurturing, child-rearing just aren't valued. Plus women have to do everything these days, go to work, a lot of them are expected to have a career (not just a job ) whilst being the main carer for kids plus often the carers too for ageing parents, plus being a wife and homemaker, or possibly a single parent...hardly surprising they end up losing their femininity.
I'm not sure women want
Yeah thanks for that quite elevating reply, sounds like the truth.
On that note i've just been out for a meal and got looked out quite a lot by various women and while stimulated by the attention I knew that I couldn't offer them what they wanted. Firstly I have a partner and I am beyond all doubt not the type of man to cheat.
2nd I am not wealthy and do not drive
3rd I am not physically strong as I have a heart condition also.
4th I feel very uncomfortable when women take a subtle interest in me and I will not go out of my way to communicate with anyone especially in doubtless circumstance. After all that I think the women just wanted to get there ego's fed and I'm not the man to do that ha ha.
Mind you I do at times wish I was a NT man and go out and use women for lots of sex but thats life.
So, doesnt matter how much money they earn, they still want a man who earns more.
Doesnt matter how masculine and dominant they get, they still want a stronger and more dominant partner.
Basically, they still want the same statous quo.
The result of this is that they have to chose more aggresive and violent males with the result that natural selection changes the spiecies into an ever more violent and selfish society.
And het these same women who chose the worst attributes of the male will still blame man for all the ills of the world.
Imagine how nice the world would be if Women chose gentle and kind males for thier mates and shunned the arrogent and selfish.
I think what you wrote is very insightful.
I haven't really thought about what kind of man I want, but I'm sure as hell not going for the macho-yo-look-at-my-big-car type. In this society is kind of schizophrenic. On the one hand women have to be educated and successful and strong, but on the other hand just take a look at those music videos where there's some guy rapping about something while in the background some woman is draping herself over a shiny car.
I wanted to say more, but I lost my train of thought
So, doesnt matter how much money they earn, they still want a man who earns more.
Doesnt matter how masculine and dominant they get, they still want a stronger and more dominant partner.
Basically, they still want the same statous quo.
The result of this is that they have to chose more aggresive and violent males with the result that natural selection changes the spiecies into an ever more violent and selfish society.
And het these same women who chose the worst attributes of the male will still blame man for all the ills of the world.
Imagine how nice the world would be if Women chose gentle and kind males for thier mates and shunned the arrogent and selfish.
I think this is an over-generalization. There are women who believe in equality ("feminism"), but many are unaware of this concept or do not believe in it. Equality can be interpreted in many different ways. Some view it as sameness. Others view it as an equal division of responsibilities (such as childrearing/breadwinning).
I know that not all women want a more powerful partner. All of my relationships have been with men who made the same amount of money as me or less. I have never met a woman who wanted a violent partner. I have never met a woman who blamed men for the ills of the world, but I have met many people who believe that social inequalities are the root of many problems.
Women do not have more power in society than men. They still get paid less for the same job. They still make less money with the same level of education. Unfortunately, wanting a male partner with the same job does mean that he'll make more money than you do, if you are female. Men still out-number women in politics and popular culture. And society worships characteristics that are seen as masculine. Feminine characteristics are equivocated with weakness.
I think that both sexes seek attention from the opposite sex (or the same if they are gay, or both if they are bi) due to insecurity. But society expects them to do this in different ways, so women are more likely to subtly flirt while men will cat call, etc.
Society is constantly changing, but every society is made up of a multitude of subcultures, so it's nearly impossible to generalize about how people are changing. Only widespread social trends can be accurate sources of generalization. I think that, currently, women are expected to act powerful while accepting their lack of power, so this must create a lot of insecurity. I, personally, think that equality would be a good thing, but I am pessimistic about the possibility of achieving it in any form because all human societies are riddled with inequalities are hierarchies.
Guys are morons, there is always another one to throw himself at a woman who treats men like garbage. There is no accountability for their actions, no matter what they do nothing happens, they just move onto the next sucker to take advantage of.
Part of the problem is the divorce court system and the social welfare system let them hide behind their children and another part of the problem is we haven't had a good war to kill millions of men in 60 years.
All through history men went out hunting and died, fought other men and died so their was always a shortage of men, there ain't no more, throw one away and dozens more are standing there waiting for sloppy seconds or 3rd's 4th's 10th's 20th's
Aspies strike out because they aren't stupid enough to degrade themselves and play the ret*d games with todays princess's. Go to a shopping center and look around, there are all sorts of nasty looking woman who think they are hot, it's because even their nasty butt can find some idiot to chase after them.
344 Sex and Discrimination
315 Playing At Manhood
6 Gender Wars
59 The Schools Vs. Boys
59 is a good one for sure.
We have been over run by millions of Phil Donahue type's who will do anything to try and look PC enough to todays so called woman who don't know what a lady is.
Probably what a lot of pople like about Bill Clinton is the way he wouldn't take chit from Hillary, she is the poster child for todays strong woman and he still wouldn't let her run his life.He wasn't toally p**** whipped even being marrier to a total b***h. Guys today have been castrated, scared to death to be dragged into divorce court and cleaned out and crushed so bad they couldn't afford to take a woman out if they wanted to.
Woman today have become whores, nothing more than whores when the first thing out of their mouth when they meet a new guy someplace is " what do you do" like how much money do you make. personal ad's back it up, income required $$$ most blue collar guys aren't even in the running. One whore sais she wasn't materialistic in her personal ad, but somebody would need to make $75,000 a year to date her.
I used to drive a truck, delivering to a warehouse one of the local drivers that knew the woman who checked in the deliveries was talking to her and somehow it came around to " you guys couldn't afford me, I'm high maitenance " I felt like asking her how much she charged for a date, but wanted to get out of there some time that day The only differance between her and the skanks that ran around truck stops knocking on trucks to see if a driver wanted a date was she cost more to date
Guys are suckers, they let one drag them to the alter because she is a lot of fun, once the suckers buys the hooker a house and she has the amount of children she wants, the fun is over. She is tired from the kids and once she has the nanny school system to baby sit enough hours a day she can dump stupid and still get most of his paycheck and return to the work force. As soon as the last kid is old enough to not be a real handful she gets a lawyer.
She will do it because some stupid sucker will come along and take her out on the town once a week and pay for the baby sitter hoping he can get a little, being married that expense would come out of the family budget, so her and her husbnad couldn't have wild nights out on the town, so she dumps him and find some sucker to lavish her with attention and gifts.
men are too damn stupid to catch on they are being played.
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Where the hell you people coming from? Never mind, I spent way too much time there. I understand, but I no longer agree.
Let's detach here a moment. I ain't the same as every other guy, except when some scummy generic feminist is deciding my children's future or just feels like humiliating somebody for fun, but other than that, I'm an individual.
Just hypothetical now, let's consider the possibility that exactly as much individual variation exists among woman as exists among men.
OK, OK, I couldn't prove it from my own experience, but it does seem like a possibility.
They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...
Most women aren't whores, NT or AS. I hate this thread, it's turned into a slag-off women thread. Why is this? So you've met a few bad ones. There are some pretty nasty guys around too, who abuse women, but I don't think that gives women the right to say that all men are bastards.
I don't know why I'm bothering to post here anyway, it's probably some kind of misogynistic wind-up
Not that I don't believe in equality for women quite the opposite but it seems that women are now holding all the strings and have a sexual thirst that can only be understood by the aroggance and fearlessness of the NT male.
Women are holding all the strings? I'm a woman, and that's news to me. Women still only make about 80% as much money as men doing the same work. Women make up only 16% of the US Congress, 2% of Fortune 500 CEOs, and 0% of US Presidents. One out of eight women will be sexually assaulted during their lifetime. I do not know a single woman who hasn't been subjected to rude, unwanted sexual advances while minding her own business in public (and none of them dressed or acted "seductively" at the time, either.)
Most women do not want to appear in pornography, and would feel extremely hurt if sexual images showing them as "pieces of meat" appeared on the internet. The majority of women who do appear in pornography have suffered extreme traumas - physical or sexual abuse as children, drug addictions, homelessness, extreme poverty. Working as a porn actress is still one of the most stigmatized professions in the world, and the vast majority of women in the industry are becoming rich. Even Jenna Jameson, who is perhaps the most well-recognized porn star in the world and has made millions, admits that her traumatic childhood may have led her to porn, and says that if she had a daughter, she would never, ever allow her to join the porn industry, because it is so degrading to women.
So it's clear that women don't love to be treated as a pornographic piece of meat. IMO, the "internet porn revolution" can be explained more easily by the fact that high-speed internet allows porn consumers to be completely anonymous - there's no risk of your boss or preacher seeing you slinking out of the adult bookstore or adult movie theater.
Also, you don't clearly explain why pornography is harmful for autistic men, aside from a brief comment about a "lack of courtship behavior". Even if you could somehow prove your premise that pornography prevents autistic men from finding partners and having children, you've completely ignored the existence of the millions of autistic women worldwide.
If you think the only thing you can offer an NT woman is cash and security, then yeah, you should feel shallow, because you're looking for a concubine, not a partner. I have no idea what you're trying to say with the part about NT people needing support and pursuing things that lead to sex.
The plural of anecdote is not data. No offense to you or your brother, but this only says a lot about the women your brother date.
Women, like all adults, are free to do whatever they please, within the confines of the law. The person I see as entitled in this post is you, because you seem to believe that women owe it to you to only engage in sexual behavior that meets your standards.
You may like most women, but you certainly don't respect them.
So, doesnt matter how much money they earn, they still want a man who earns more.
Doesnt matter how masculine and dominant they get, they still want a stronger and more dominant partner.
Basically, they still want the same statous quo.
There's actually a lot of feminist writing on why this is the case. Basically, the idea is that women, like all people, are basically rational decision makers. If identifying as a feminist will earn them the scorn of their friends, family, and/or all the other people they rely on for emotional or financial support, they will choose not to identify as feminist, even if they agree with most of the precepts of feminism. If they are going to face constant ridicule and loss of social status for having a husband who earns less than them or is perceived as less strong than them, they will not choose such a man for a husband, even if they are attracted to/in love with such a man. Everyone only has so much mental and physical energy, and only so much time. Identifying and living as a feminist in a male-dominated world takes up a significant amount of this time and energy - I have experienced this personally and I have heard many other self-identified feminists say the same thing. Many women just aren't going to have the time or energy needed to be a feminist.
I am only posting here, as a "Threadkiller #2nd Class" in order to kill it
#2... My brother who is the typical NT greek male ... offer an interesting insight into how things work. .... He caught is ex gf in bed with another bloke, He has got a friend who offers him sex but nothing comes of it .... I also think that his ex girlfriend went with his own father once which says a lot about women today.
#1 You need to check your meds, dude.
#2 no, it says more about the type of girl your brother is attracted to
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So do Aspie women.
looks like you are screwed, and not like you wanna be, either!
I don't date, but I know most of the women I meet are nice. They want to meet a supportive, caring man to have and raise children with. There are a lot of nasty b*****s out there, but there are a LOT of women in general, so even a small percentage yields a large body count.
To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.
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