Blackmantis wrote:
Aye to that.
I mean, all the Aspergers people I have met so far, have NEVER been violent. I don't even stand up for myself when someone threatens to kill me with a wrench over my head (Loong backstory, not gonna revisit) like most people would, and I hate having it as a weakness.
I wouldn't see the harm, as a matter of fact, I don't even WANT to shoot guns, I just enjoy collecting and playing with firearms (replicas and deactivated ones, where there's NO harm. The absolute WORST could be a hold up at a shop! But I wouldn't be able to actually shoot anyone, yet the police see such large harm in me owning replicas.).
So yeah, you reckon we should be ok to own guns? I might even make a poll someday and apply it here to fight for ownership.
I don't hold much with gun ownership, considering that they are a tool of extremely singular purpose (in other words, all they do is wound or kill), but you are welcome to debate this in the Politics, Philosophy and Religion forum. Just prepare for the thread to resemble a napalm-strewn battlefield afterwards.
You have an Aussie ally for gun ownership. BazzaMcKenzie, from Melbourne if I recall, has similar problems, although he also collects actual firearms that work.... ... -6209.html
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