RobertN wrote:
I agree, sparkplugloy. I was having an arguement with a guy on Aspietalk on this topic. I said that atheism is a belief which requires proof, but they said they didn't need proof, etc. I think the Christians DO have some proof, because the resurrection of Christ has been chronicled throughout history as an event that actually took place.
A belief is a claim of something. In a philisophical or scientific argument, the burden of proof always falls on the claiment. The christian claim is "god exists" atheism makes no claims.
No god Isnt a claim of anything, you really don't need disproof of a non proven statement.
Is it a faith to not belive in santa claus? The tooth fairy? The great spider that spins the world threads? Why? No proof. Some stories maybe, some old books, but proof? no.
By saying there is no Santa Claus are you "practicing a faith? Or Just using your brain? If someone told you not beliving in Santa was a religious belief would you take them seriously?
As to historical "proof" most is church written books, the only non christian lit claiming the historical christ is a few very questionable pages of Josephus, largely belived to be a 4th century forgery, A: The Latin is barberous, and B: Josephus despite being a Jew to the end of is writings claims "in these few pages" that Jesus is god. Higly suspect from an otherwise very orthadox Jew. That and he is a man who did chapters on minor taxation issues, and on this supposedly miraculous event he does les than half a dozen pages?
"The best non-Christian source is Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian. He mentions James as the brother of Jesus (yes, James, the son of the eternal virgin Mary... ) and he appears to call him the brother of Jesus, known as the Christ. That phrase is suspected by some as being a forgery, but I see no reason to doubt it. Earlier in the work of Josephus there is clear evidence of Christian tampering. The Christian apologist scholar Origen, writing a century after the time of Josephus, states clearly that the Jew Josephus does not acknowledge Jesus as Messiah. And yet later, after the establishment of the official Roman church the Christian Eusebius produces the only extant copy of the work of Josephus and lo and behold it contains a clear reference to Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. Of course it is faked. Clumsily. There is a lot of controversy over exactly how much of the passage is faked."
More on the Joesphus Forgeries, ... swers.html
Lastly just for amusement, the town of Nazereth didn't exist till the 4th century AD.