My mom once told someone that if I start complaining about being sick I need to go to a doctor. I can go for a long time being sick and no one will know it until I am extremely ill. I was this way with strep throat a lot when I was younger and once with mono. I did the same thing with pneumonia twice. I get cuts and bruises and don't even know they are there until I see them. Sometimes I do feel pain immediately and sometimes I think my sensitivities make the pain worse than it should be. Then sometimes, I hurt myself and feel no pain, but react to the pain I am expecting before I actually feel anything. Basically, I hurt myself, freak out and someone has to try to calm me down and once I am calm I find out that it doesn't even hurt.
The Rhymin' Red Rover, that's what they call me,
Too old for a sailin', too young fo' the sea;
Set sail fo' a sunset, to a land that is free,
I'm the Rhymin' Red Rover, and that's where I'll be.