I'm married to an NT. I think we make it work the same way anyone makes these things work: you try hard to take account of the others feelings, give them space when they need it, and comfort when they need that. I think a lot of people here assume that NTs have this magical psychic power where they know what the other's thinking a lot of the time. They don't. They have communications screwups a lot of the time, too. Now, I'm sure many of our misunderstandings are different ones that NTs have. I sure as heck annoy my wife sometimes with my aspie tendancies. But as she's pointed out, were I an NT, I'd probably just annoy her in different ways. A lot of marriage is learning how to deal with the little annoyances - part of that is trying to mitigate them, part is just deciding they're not worth fighting over.
I think it helps that she's an introvert. I don't think I could have a relationship with a big extrovert, at least not one that lasted long. But she's the same. A hypothetical "extreme-social-NT" would be as big a mistake for her as it would be for me. So there is a large component of finding the right person. But then, that is also the same for all marriages I think.
As for how we got together, we did meet in person the first time, after a concert I was performing in, but as at the time I lived a continent away, most of our communication was via E-mail and IM for a very long time, and I think she got to know me a lot better that way. We both agree that had we started out talking in person, we'd probably never have gotten on all that well. I think I come across as far quicker, more intelligent, and deep over IM than I ever do in person.
"You're never more alone than when you're alone in a crowd"
-Captain Sheridan, Babylon 5
Music of the Moment: Radiohead - In Rainbows