Oxygen Bars in Japan, put on your disposable mask and plug in.
Higher pressure might dislodge some things, I would like a printout of the exhale.
There has also been some work on Ions, adjusting field charge.
No money in it, so Medical Science is blind.
They hate, "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away."
Healthy people are a bane to the industry, which is why more than 80% of disease can be tracked back to hospitals. They have a right to make a living.
They have a deal with airlines who recirculate air, which could be run through a UV light filter, HEPA, and be clean, but no, Doctors own airline stock.
A computer, with a drop of blood, a breath sample, an ounce of urine, could print out what you might want to look deeper at, in seconds, for $1. The $5 test would take about as long as a burger, and define 99.9%.
Only medicine and government have gotten worse, higher priced, with more people, since computers.