Their was a breif time in life where esentally I gave up, knowing I could never do well for myself, have the basic things all humans want, be happy or even do half as well as my parents did. I had many plans (this was years ago, back in high school). I decided in adulthood if I ever ended up homeless I would live in the woods, as winter approached and it got to cold out and I could not survive living in a tent in the woods I would jump into the pond nearby and perposely induce hypothermia.
Obviously years later I am sooo happy I did not do this, life can be hard, but things can get better if you know what you want and do what you need to do. I can imagine hypothermia to be very painful and not a good way to die. You will suffer for a good half hour before you loose consiousness most likly in current temps, tho im not really sure on the time, but itll feel like a long time to ya.
I certainly dont advise doing that, or anything else, you will go when you are ready. Just understand that life is short as it is, and you get one shot, be sure to enjoy you short time on here and do things to make your life better, their is always hope!
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.