Post your fan poetry here!
Here are some of mine about the Myst series; I write these years ago:
Hello, Tamra. I'm back in your life.
I hope you still want to be my wife.
I just want you to know that I didn't desert you.
I would not do anything that I think would hurt you.
But I think I have some explaining to do
about why I left for twenty years and came back to you.
I did not fly the coop. I did not run away.
I didn't even have a proper place to stay.
All alone without you I went rather mad.
Thinking of you and the girls made me sad.
But now we're together. Now I'm back home.
I can't explain everything-- it would fill a tome.
However, nothing much happened with the stranger.
He was just a guy in uniform that said he was a ranger.
I don't know what a ranger is and I don't care.
He was obnoxious. He thought he could dare
me to use my hammer on his head.
For the heck of it I did so, and now he is dead.
Do forgive me, Tamra, I'm not that bad.
But now I'll show you something that'll really make you mad.
Look at this book! I took it from a room
that has lots of books and is dark like a tomb.
It belongs to the man that betrayed us years ago.
As I took it I saw Atrus, who shouted, "No!"
Then in came a woman as thin as a wire.
I thought it best to start a fire.
So I did, and I also noticed the stranger.
Even then he was dressed like a ranger.
After I threw the fire marble
out of Atrus's mouth came some sort of garble
that sounded like this: "No! Stop! Releeshahn!"
I felt it best to take the book and move on.
And so I did. I linked to J'nanin,
the place I nearly went insane in.
Then the park ranger followed me through the book.
I looked over my shoulder and got a good look
of him. I hate the way he smirks.
He looks almost like those jerks...
...the ones named Sirrus and Achenar.
I'm sure if Atrus lives there they're not very far.
My poor Aitrus has died.
What is more, he also fried.
But dying of disease can be quite painful.
And to me, being alive is shameful.
Why are we alive and all of them dead?
I feel like hitting myself on the head.
I'd rather it be me than my poor child's father.
But Gehn seems happy so why do I bother?
Sure, my son mourns for his poor dad.
Then why am I not very sad?
Is it because I'm out of the caves and back home?
Is it that I have more spaces in which to rome?
I will teach my son the bookmaking art.
My husband taught me, so I know where to start.
As for my son in the bookmaking guild,
I will give him some knowledge on which he can build
his talents. I pray that he does have some.
I will begin to teach him once he stops feeling glum
about a caring, self-sacrificing man
who told us to run, and so we ran.
The tree's on fire. The sky is black.
Saavedro's gone and will never come back.
Sirrus and Achenar have gone back to Myst
and you can guess we're very pissed.
Tamra's screaming as if they knifed her mother.
Screaming, just like any other
person who hates Atrus's sons.
And we are not the only ones.
The boys told us about the other ages
that they produced by filling the pages
with ink. And then when the citizens didn't obey
they took everything they had away.
They took their homes. They took their lives.
They stabbed them over and over with knives.
I want to kill. I want to throttle
that man who was once our role model.
You can guess who I'm talking about.
I wish upon him a bad case of gout.
I hope his house burns to a crisp.
I hope he develops an ugly lisp.
I hope he becomes very ill.
I hope he suffers in pain until
he dies. And I hope his sons die young.
Until then I'll remain high-strung.
Until then I will never sleep.
I won't 'till they collapse into a miserable heap.
I hope Atrus develops a fever
for killing Saavedro, Narayan's best weaver.
I want Sirrus to suffocate.
That's a nice slow death I'll appreciate.
I hope Achenar has a cardiac arrest
for putting our Age to the test
and deciding to experiment on us because we're "mortal".
I hate Sirrus's cackle and Achenar's chortle.
I hope they all die before their time.
I hope they freeze to death in Rime.
I hope they get eaten by a whark.
I hope they stumble in the dark
and fall down many flights of stairs.
Let them see if anyone cares
what happens to these naughty boys.
To them this age is a dollhouse and we're just toys.
Yes, I know about Myst and Riven.
Atrus told us before the boys were driven
to argue with us, insulting our ways.
We neglected the lattice tree for many days.
Quickly the roots began to grow black.
And then the branches grew more and more slack
until the damage could not be reversed.
In other words, the tree could not be nursed
back to health. So there you are.
If you're still with me so far
I'd like to conclude that Atrus is bad.
Otherwise the Age would not look this sad.
We sweep, we mop, we scrub and wash
our master's bedroom and his lab.
We're starting to really hate this tosh.
To us our days seem increasingly drab.
I'm tired of being the slave of Gehn
and having him tell me what to do.
But he's a god and we're just men
and ungrateful too.
I sometimes wonder if Gehn is not
just like one of us mere mortals.
Sometimes I think that if I was taught
I would be able to create worlds and access their portals.
But I constantly live in fear of dying
despite what Gehn says about the next age.
I sometimes wonder if he is lying.
Perhaps we're more than just ink he wrote on a page.
Perhaps he's just another man
who is sick in his head.
I'll think more about it when I can.
For now I have to go to bed.
Today a Maintainer nearly did me in
for dropping a pile of linking books.
That foreman explodes at the drop of a pin.
He'll insult you if he doesn't like your looks.
Last week a precious friend of mine
was killed by the wrath of Master Gehn.
And he was really fine.
All he did was lose a pen.
My best friend is not all I miss.
I also miss my wife.
A maintainer heard her utter a diss,
thought it was about Gehn, and took her life.
I'm tired of panicking every day.
I miss my old routines.
I miss my life before Gehn appeared.
I miss my hopes and dreams.
Then he took all that away
when he trained those stupid wharks
to eat my wife the other day.
My soul will always bear the marks.
Part 1-- Gehn
Hi, everybody. My name is Gehn.
I've been a lunatic since the age of ten.
Trapped in this prison book it's so very dull.
I hate the way I have a lot of time to mull
over what my son did to me years ago.
I've figured out the details I don't know.
The way Catherine talked she had family at home.
I wish I could have met them before getting trapped in this tome.
She talked about a great disappointment she'd had.
Chances are, she had children who were bad.
Maybe they trapped her on this Age.
She couldn't get back because her book was missing a page.
Catherine, why did you not tell
me about my grandkids? Why did you just yell
at me? I hate the way you think,
the way you talk, the way you blink.
I hate everything about you,
from what you say to what you do.
Part 2-- Sirrus
I cannot eat. I cannot drink.
Just about all I can do is think.
I didn't want to trap my ma on Riven
but because of my brother, I was driven.
He told me to help. Then he took out a knife
and said, "if you don't, I'll end your life."
But now I'd rather be dead
than be stuck in here, which is bad for my head.
Indeed I am going very insane.
If I never died, it would be such a pain.
Part 3-- Achenar
It's all his fault. It's all my brother's.
He's one of those kids who are attached to their mothers.
Had he not hesitated or started to bicker
we could have got it over with a whole lot quicker.
Now Father is free and we are trapped.
I bet when he trapped us he sang and clapped.
And I wonder if Mother has ever found out.
And I still don't know what Riven's all about.
I know we had a grandfather whose name was Gehn
who practised the art of writing with a pen.
But the more, Father told us, he practised the Art
the more his Ages seemed to fall apart.
That's what I hope happened to Mother's home town.
I hope the walls came crashing down.
I hate my sons, Sir and Ach.
They stabbed their parents in the back.
Then they trapped Catherine on Gehn's fifth age.
Then Sirrus and Achenar tore out a page.
They did the same thing to me on D'ni.
I want them to know that their joke wasn't funny.
They burned my books! Those little finks!
Now the inside of my library stinks.
Catherine, Catherine, where are you?
Have you met Gehn? Your old friends too?
I will send my minion to find
you, Catherine. My friend is very kind.
He helped solve the mystery about my boys.
He told me that their rooms contain dangerous toys.
He told me that they planned it. And I believe him.
He's from the planet Earth and his name is Tim.
He told me that King Achenar killed a lot of the chimps.
They didn't even rebel. They were such wimps!
He sacrificed them on an altar in his room.
To all of those chimps Ach's presence seemed to loom
over them, until they went insane.
But that only worsened their pain.
Or maybe they were just stupid. I don't know.
But what a horrible way to go!
Now let's forget the chimps and talk about me.
At least Ach didn't kill me and hang me from a tree.
So now I can trap them alone forever
and they won't escape, not even if they're clever.
So now all I have to do is send my friend to Riven
to see if Catherine's return has driven
Gehn to make more crazy plans
and he'll continue to write (unless someone cuts off his hands).
He'll continue to write until he's free
and I don't know what'll happen to me.
He has a rifle. I do not.
And from what I remember, he hates me a lot.
I'm scared for myself. I don't care about Tim.
I don't give a crap what happens to him.
If he dies on the gallows or falls down a chute
I honestly do not give a hoot
just as long as he brings back my wife
I will not care if he loses his life.
Hi, everybody. My name is Gehn.
When I get stressed I cluck like a hen.
Often my guards will comment on the noise.
But they're just immature. They act like little boys.
I miss my wife from the bottom of my heart.
If only I could give her life a new start.
I wonder about my son named Atrus
and his good-for-nothing wife who acts like a waitress.
It is true that Catherine paces her cell
with baskets of food. It must be hell
not to be able to help her friends.
Now she knows how I feel about terrible ends.
Now she knows what it's like to be caught in a trap.
To not go anywhere, even if she has a map.
Now she knows what it's like to go slowly insane.
Now she knows what it feels like to suffer real pain.
She has no idea what became of her friends.
She does not know if they have yet met their ends.
She knows what it's like to be alone.
She knows what it's like to twitch and to moan.
Now changing the subject, I'll talk about Cho.
Around the clock I'm always telling him no.
That's right. You heard me. He steals everything
from pens to kortee'nea to my wife's diamond ring.
In the past, whenever I've put him in prison
a situation has always arisen
in which he was the only man for the job.
But he abandoned his work and rejoined the mob.
The mob. Whenever I think of them I shudder.
When they are near me there's always a mutter
among my followers. They all want to join.
The mob recruited Cho with a single gold coin.
The Moiety this and the Moiety that.
Catherine should die on the gallows. Tit for tat.
Then, once they see their beloved leader is dead
my followers will turn to me and worship me instead.
I hate Catherine. She makes me depressed.
And Cho muddles my mind and makes me stressed.
So why don't I kill them? Am I just soft?
No; it's confusion from depression. I need some Zoloft.
And now a third person aggravates me.
But it is not Atrus, as you see.
Atrus is permanently out of my life.
Now, replacing him, is a stranger with a Moiety knife.
He undoubtedly knows where the Moiety are.
Chances are, it is not very far.
The Moiety have already brainwashed this person
causing my stressed-out condition to worsen.
But at least it's not Atrus. At least it's not the old D'ni.
If I am to purify the Rivenese that would not be funny.
They would not agree.
They wouldn't even like the new Great Tree.
If it had been Atrus, or one of those Earth people
who go to worship the Maker in a building with a steeple
I would explode. My life would be over.
But this person is almost like finding a four-leaf clover.
I am very lucky it was someone else that came to Riven
or Cho's getting darted would have driven
me crazy. I would have killed him right away
and been killed by Atrus's friend on the same day.
But since I am not dead yet
I feel safe and am willing to bet
that this person is a wanderer, trapped in one of the Ages
he wrote on his new book's pages.
I doubt he is a friend of Atrus
or his crazy wife, who thinks she's a waitress.
I linked into Riven and bars appeared.
Then along came a guy named Cho.
He was obviously working for the man I feared.
He took my book and I shouted, "No!"
A dart then hit him and he stumbled and fell.
He dropped the book and was dragged away.
For how long I waited I could not tell.
It seemed like I waited there all day.
From the cage I tried to reach my book.
But it was too far away from me.
Then a man came along and took
it. Then he flicked a switch and I was free!
I wandered all over the deserted place.
I found a village and a lake.
I saw not one familiar face
and wondered how long it would take
to find Atrus's precious wife.
The person he'd sent me here to save.
But Gehn had probably taken her life,
sending her to a watery grave.
Yes, I thought as I wandered around.
He probably hung her from that device
to be fed to a whark resembling a hungry hound.
That thought I didn't find very nice.
I found the book to the Rebel Age
and found myself in front of a hive.
I was relieved I hadn't linked into a cage.
Actually, relieved I was even alive.
I looked around and found no one.
I headed into the linking room
when someone stepped out and produced a gun
and shot me. I thought that place would be my tomb.
But then I realised I was in a boat.
They were taking me to the rebel base.
The man in front of me looked like he longed to gloat.
But he turned before I could see his face.
I found myself in a darkened room
and looked out to see a village up high.
I felt a sense of impending doom.
For this must be the prison where I would die!
But then a woman came into the cell.
She gave me a journal and a prison book.
When I saw the latter I heard a warning bell
inside my head, singing "Don't even look!"
So I ignored that second book
and read the one from Atrus's wife.
I marvelled about how long Atrus took
to send me here to save her life.
Then the woman named Nelah came back in
and gave me a book back to the 5th Age.
As one of Catherine's closer kin
she knew who I was. I touched the page
and appeared back in Riven's cave
which was deep and dank and dark.
By now I was starting to rant and rave
about how Atrus had said it would be a walk in the park.
Come on, Atrus, do you really think so?
Why don't you just find your own wife?
Let's see how many of the puzzles you know.
Finding her would take you your entire life.
After more excruciating puzzles and security
I finally got to talk to Gehn.
He commented about Atrus's immaturity
and I have to admit I agreed with him right then.
He then asked me to go into the book.
I cautiously put my hand on the page.
From the inside I saw Gehn give it a look.
I knew that if he fell for it he'd have a big rage.
But he did fall for it and I was freed.
I looked around and read his private book.
I read about betrayal and greed
and how his son Atrus was such a shnook.
I finally got to meet Atrus's wife.
I thought she might hate me for taking so long.
I thought she might stab me with a Moiety knife.
But we actually got along.
Now I'm waiting at the fissure for Atrus to come.
I'm waiting for Catherine too.
How could Atrus be this dumb?
I'm sure you'd come if I signalled you.
Eventually I lost my balance and the wind blew
me into the fissure where I still am now.
So the moral of the story is, if someone asks you
to help them, you should ask them how.
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