I was diagnosed with GAD, OCD, ADHD and Cyclothymia before the AS diagnosis came into the light.
It made better sense, especially since I only have certain traits of ADHD and OCD. My p-doc said that my OCD was atypical, because I have very few compulsions, but plenty of obsessions. That one sound familiar to anyone else?
I think it was the social isolation that really did it. That and everyone around me telling me for years that I was worthless and stupid.
The autism is me. So if it caused it, so did I.
But I don't really think I can logically say: "I made the world treat me like s**t;" inadvertently or not.
The world chose to treat me and the oddball friends that I later made in my life, like that. They didn't have AS, but they were different, like me. It's not our fault.
"I am to misbehave" - Mal
BATMAN: I'll do everything I can to rehabilitate you.
CATWOMAN: Marry me.
BATMAN: Everything except that.
http://lastcrazyhorn.wordpress.com - "Odd One Out: Reality with a refreshing slice of aspie"