Congrats Tim, I'm happy you did well. I know you were kind of depressed for part of the semester, and it's admirable that you were able to keep it together and do well. I had...admittedly, kind of a rough first semester:
English: A
Biology: C
Economics: C
French: D
Math: S (satisfactory or unsatisfactory, it was non-credit so you either pass or fail)
I am terrible at foreign languages...I study but I still don't get a grip on it. I'm glad you were able to get more of a handle on Economics than I did. My class (actually microeconomics), started out seeming extremely easy and common-sensical, then, about a third into the semester, it really seemed to become more complex and got a lot tougher. Did you find your class the same way?
Either way, it's just my first semester, and I know I can improve, especially since I know how things work. It was the kick in the ass I needed.