If a cure for autism is ever found, it won't just clear up autism. It will do MUCH more than anyone suspects.
Repair the myelin sheath on nerves.
Clear up timing issues between brain areas.
Replace/repair/activate mirror neurons.
"Correct" any other "abnormal" brain structures.
In short, a Super Brain. Who wants a brain with a big letter S and a red cape?
Seriously, the biggest problem I see with curing all autism is the potential threat to "out of the box" thinking. The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that most people are capable of it, but the more radical ideas are suppressed. Non-autistics mix more emotions with their logic than autistics. There's a distinct uneasy feeling with looking different to the group. Autistics look for solutions with less emotion than non-autistics, therefore there's less fear associated with these radical ideas. So, will the cure box everyone into the same range of emotional/logical mix in their thinking? Mathematical models of ecosystems have shown diversity to be necessary for the system's survival. If we normalize everyone's thinking, will it remove the needed diversity of thinking and forge the last nail for mankind's coffin?
To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.