Yes, I have been playing Second Life for over 3 years now. There are groups for those on the spectrum and for their relatives. I know of many people with Asperger's who are also in my group, Elf Circle, a High Fantasy group. They tell me that they have been able to practice social skills, and get coaching from trusted people when things are rough. If you come inworld, contact me, Forcythia Wishbringer, and I can introduce you to some groups and people. The environment allows you to work with words, and to do things that you may find difficult in the real world.
For those of you who are not familiar, Second Life is a free program you can download at There is no purpose to this "game" and everything you see in the program is made by the residents of the lands. Mainland has a lot of sex and such, but there are also other areas to visit, lovely gardens, all kinds of activities to do, places to explore (even Africa, Holland, and Italy reproduced), as well as people to meet from all over the world. Yes, many aspies and Nt's. It is an adutlt's only world, although there is a teen grid. You can find people who share your interests and spend all your time with them or explore and expand your skills and interests.