OK I'm not a Doctor, but I've played one many times... to misquote the old commercial.
Abilify is what both my boy's take, both in their teen's... It's an "atypical antipsychotic" that they take to handle the co-morbid mood disorder's, and it has worked very well for us. Between the two of them, before the abilify, they took almost everything in the grab bag trying to get a handle on things. Concerta didn't work for us, but that's used to treat more of the "hyperactivity" behaviors. If the person taking it has a mood disorder, taking a stimulant such as ritalin can cause uncontrolled manic episodes, often displayed as severe aggression by children. My son who is most affected by Asperger's (and with Tourette's, mood disorder, and OCD co-morbid) also takes Lamictal. Another mood stabilizer (originally used to control epilepsy I think) and he's also seen improvement on that.
I understand what you mean by feeling like you've been run through the drug mill.... so to speak. Some of what my son's take are generic and affordable under our HMO, some aren't and cost about $50 per month. It adds up. On the other hand, I did check the "cash" price of their med's at one point and both were well over $1,000.00 per month if we didn't have insurance...
The "core" area's of Asperger's aren't really treatable, in many regards. The hyperconcentration, insistence on the same foods every day (or the same routine) etc may be helped by treatments for OCD, the same with Tourette's. The co-morbid disorders are what we can treat with chemical's. OCD, Tourette's, bi-polar, mood disorder NOS, hyperactivity, etc. can be helped with medication. Since Asperger's is a genetic condition, it would take gene therapy to make any core changes, and most of us who know what we are would fight to the death to avoid that. It's not EASY having Asperger's. But then, it may be "easy" and quite boring and unrewarding to be "normal".