tmad40blue wrote:
I've been noticing that when I'm forced to tell people about my AS, they always hear me wrong and think I'm saying "ass burgers". From then on they always taunt me about that and say "Hey, pass me some of those ass burgers you have" or "Are you getting any chafing due to your ass burgers?" or something like that.
Does anyone else get this? Am I the only one to suffer this agony?
If they are uneducated, never heard the term before, I would use Autism. When they understand that, then explain the term Aspergers. First you start with what they know a little about. Common people are ignorant of Autism, and are completely oblivious to particular kinds of Autism like, Aspergers, how it is a spectrum, and how it impacts people differently and to different degrees.
I only use Aspergers when I am talking to more educated people on the subject. Otherwise it is like taking about phototunnelling to a 3rd grade class.
It is easier to make fun of it then it is deal with the realities of it. It is teasing you, it is there way of establishing a connection with you, but without dealing with the situation.
Idaho Aspie