While I make a modest $20,000-$30,000 a year and live cheaply, efficently and do fairly well for myself, I would rather continue living the way that I do working 5 days a week part time half the year and full time the other half then making all of $650 a mounth plus food stamps.
I do want help from the government when it comes to healthcare because I dont make alot maby just less then the average person in the US (bairly) and ATM while I do fine being a single homeowner who lives alone and is fortunate to have good credit so I can have nice things like a new car, washer and dryer, GPS, and nice stylish EMS clothing ect but someday what I truly want in life is a bigger, nicer house, a wife and children and $20,000-$30,000 a year wont cut it to provide decently for everyone while trying to retire (not relying on the government for that) and basicly doing all I can for my future children cause I will be happy if I can give them 1/4 what my parents gave me. Being on disability will distory all hope in the future that I have of being happy, sure I wont have to work anymore I can sit here all day long broke in my little home and will die here or I can bust ass all day long, make a reasonable income and go out and acheive the American dream and die a happy man surrounded by family that loves me in the end. Thats just me anyways...
I had a friend who was in my special ed class, he has seizures and they were serious. He lived for years off the government, made all of $650 and food stamps and I think medicare. He lived in the cheap small appartment that was discusting. He did aford a computer and partied a bit, he had a little extra money to spend but my God, nobody can go anywhere on that and he was miserable. I guess it depends on what you want in life and what will make ya happy, just think about what you really want 777 and be realistic about it. You may be entitled to that from the government, but will you really be happy and in the end will you feel you wasted your potential. I want some government assistence when it comes to healthcare, tho I never have had any assistence from the government, eather myself or my parents have provided 100% for me, when I have kids I will do everything I can to get everything possible to make their lives the best I can, even if I gotta work 12 hrs a day and never have free time.
Ok.... I think I typed enough here... sorry everyone for my rants.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.