In before anthropomorphic anime fans.
To answer your question, I wouldn't be hasty enough to make such a generalization. Despite my avatar and the fact that I have a 17 yr. old pet cat and no dogs, I don't discriminate. I love most all living beings - cats and dogs, cows and squirrels, spiders, bears, and even ants. What about bacteria? HIV? Okay, I might have to draw the line somewhere.
The important thing here is that I have respect for life forms as long as they aren't massively destructive in nature. Though I'll admit I'm probably more empathetic towards life forms with the capacity to feel pain and communicate. I realize consumption is part of the ecosystem, but encourage balanced sustainability over excess industry. As a Vegan, I choose not to directly contribute to society's slaughter-industries through my choice of foods and other products. That is to say, I do what is within reason (for example, I wouldn't purchase a leather wallet) but realize that (technically) complete independence from the industry is currently a pipe-dream.
According to Western society: Cats > Pigs. Why? I don't know, does the fur contribute to the "cuteness factor"? If pigs were fluffy and cute, would eating bacon be considered sick? I don't pretend to know. I'm no activist for this particular movement. My diet is strictly a personal ordeal, generally I can accept the dietary choices of others even if our diets differ considerably. Unless you're a cannibal - then we may have a potential conflict.