"Mozart and the Whale" is available in Brazil on DVD or VHS but with the title "Crazy in Love" or the spanish equivalent of that. I had no control over this and object as I am sure you will. I want to know if this happens in any other nations. If so, I support any nonviolent action taken to boycott that product as long as it has that title.
We are not crazy but we do fall in love. Even though I know this will never happen in my country, I feel for any of you who might feel insulted by this choice of title in your country.
Once again, without my permission, a German Publisher is publishing my life story in September, using the "Crazy in Love" title. Their excuse was that next year is the 250th birthday of Mozart. I am refusing to accept any royalties from the sale of that book in Germany.
As far as this general situation, I am exploring my legal options.
Jerry Newport