LePetitPrince wrote:
catspurr wrote:
"Beta and omega males would feel that they are out of their league. I think alpha females would only be wives with alpha males."
that's not true. I've seen the more aggressive females hook up with the less aggressive males and it worked out fine.
You are trying to play refined matchmaker a little too much. You are not considering the multitude of different case scenerios where it may trigger a difference of outcome for others.
If an alpha female gets turned off by shy types then yes alpha male but there are alpha females who are turned off by macho "you do as I say" attitudes.
Beta male/Alpha females relations can't work at the beginning but never for so long.
LePetitPrince, depends just how alpha they are though. Here's a good example. I don't know if you ever saw the movie Descent (the one where the 5 female jocks end up in a cave and end up having to fight though something like Morlocks from the time machine). I've had at least one girl in my own past who would have reminded you a lot of Juno, just not oriental. She was pretty much that kind of character though where one of the other girls I knew who ran track with her at a local college, who'd run track meets with her with a broken shin or ankle as she had, mentioned that most of the girls she knew were intimidated by her.
It depends on how alpha she is or what type of alpha. If she's alpha in the sense of being a model/beauty queen - she's much more likely to have aspirations toward a John Wayne on hip-hop, a fireman, construction worker, a doctor, a lawyer, something like that. If she's alpha in a real verile kinda way, like Juno from Descent or like Milah Jovovich's character in the Resident Evil's (and I've known girls like this); I kinda shyed away from the situation - partly because I was picky over stupid things back then, she was that attractive physically though to where I should have been feeling it. Though I also worked with the guy she married and, while he's an NT, he's very geeky and quiet - not really verile at all.
I think the reason why the diesel-alpha girls date like that is because if they were to go with a guy who were more alpha than they are, they'd need to go strolling through the state penitentiary and if they ended up with a guy who was like them there would probably be a lot of ego clash. Girls that are alpha-alpha also tend to have that reaction to where when they see a sort of innocent guy they find it adorable and it ends up being a turn-on.